What a fascinating question, Lantana!
I love your outfit (and, of course, your hair!) Although, like Lyrebirdgully, I am filled with questions about how you manage pants under a skirt without feeling bulky! I have asked Deborah about this, too. Whenever I try it (with whatever trousers I try) I feel bumpy, lumpy, and awkward. I wonder why this feeling seems to infect some of us and not others? I must say, I even get this feeling to some extent when I wear tights (which I must wear, in winter, if I wear a dress or skirt). So perhaps I'm just unusually picky about that.
The first "traditional" dress that came to mind, for me, is the qipao. I put the word traditional in quotation marks because, of course, the qipao as we typically imagine it is actually a modern variation of Chinese traditional dress. I thought that was interesting in itself -- that my "traditional" choice would, in fact, be quite modern.
While I love the beautiful colours and fabrications of the classic qipao, I wouldn't actually wear a silk brocade one except perhaps for a very special occasion. What draws me far more-- and what translates immediately into my current style -- is the line of the style. What appeals to me is its simplicity. Square shoulders, a typically high collar. Often an asymmetric element (to the closure, particularly).
A qipao lacks the draping and folding of a kimono. It follows the lines of the body. It can be form-fitting and even sexy, but it can also be much boxier and looser (allowing freedom of movement). It can be extremely ladylike and feminine -- or it can be androgynous and even boyish.
I can see myself in any one of the pieces below, or a variation thereof. They're not dissimilar to styles I already own and wear.
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