Today is one of those spring days that pack all seasons in its 24h - and I hate those days. Specially if they turn out to be busy ones and I hv appointments of different kinds and on different places without a chance of going back home in btw.

So... I hv classes, afterwards I will do an interview, after that I hv some errands to take care of (returns, pick up alterations) and then a date. Classes and day errands are obviously very casual settings, while the interview and the date will take place on dressier venues (an old, traditional Cafe and a trend hot spot, respectively).

Now... please help me out. Temperatures will vary btw 9 and 18 degrees Celsius and there's a 60% chance of rain. It's cloudy right now. I am wearing a black dress (classic date material), but sensible chocolate brown walking boots and a leather jacket. I am afraid it might be too much for some "periods of sunshine" as much as for classes (too dressy).

My other option would be a silk patterned grey shift dress with black riding boots (and the same leather jacket) or black leather shorts, a white tee (with a black letter print on it) and a camel blazer (with black kitten heels) - which I am afraid will be inappropriate for rain (and too little for a date).

Pictures follow.

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