Sally that's funny about the contest. I know it's a badge of honor for all the whiskering, fades etc...and all the special names they have for them. Whatever gives our life meaning, right?
I started my raw denim journey with unisex ones from APC about 12 or more years ago? (time, who can keep track!). They were good, I really loved them. Then I had some weight gain, so had to let them go. When I was going to replace them with a bigger size, I found the brand Chimala that made women's jeans at the Madewell site. They only made lighter wash broken in ones, but really good quality. (I still have a few of those!). In 2016 Chimala did some raw ones, ordered these: The fabric was amazing. Thick and dark with little flecks of white in it. That faded of course, but the denim is still incredible. I ordered these in early 2020: These were a lighter weight of denim right from the start and not as nice as the other pair. They are fine, but there's no comparison in the denim. So even within the same brand, there are differences! Or did I wash them too early? That makes a difference too in how it ages.
Okay, obsessive rant about raw denim over !