Kaelyn, cute hat & dress I’d love to see you wear.
TG and Suz, absolutely picking up ideas about how to wear what with what is why I’m here. That’s super important to me as I’m not into buying new things. Angie’s outfit formulae are great because they start with what’s in the closet. I read her roundups the same way—“mustard is in, and wide-legged pants....hmmm, I think I have something like that...” “looks like time to pull out my combat boots again” etc. But of course I pick up ideas from everyone else too, like wearing a teal sweater with the pants I just mentioned, wearing white pants in seasons other than summer, and lots more. And I appreciate the feedback people give me on my outfits. So even if I’m not buying the same items, I benefit from seeing how people evaluate whether something works in their wardrobe now. Guess I’m a lemming too. Good thing they’re cute