Congrats, Suz! You are one intelligent woman. Your post is insightful and thought provoking. thanks for sharing

Suz, I love your transformation -- you now look like a spunkier, truer version of your own lovely self!

You look so great with the short hair that I can't even imagine it longer. It is just really you. You always look well tailored and at ease and I love your sense of style! I also really enjoy your thoughtful posts and responses. You are one very lovely and sweet lady. Congrats on reaching your veteran status and for the contributions you make to this community!

Congrats for becoming a veteran! I still remember your haircut, it had so much impact. I always love reading your posts, your suggestions are always great and you just have a way with words. I also like where you're going with your style journey, I can't wait to see how it continues.

Thank you for these heartfelt reflections on your style journey! It is so well told. I enjoyed reading your realizations about weather, and the idea one should wear the same things from Spring through Summer... I understand this. I felt that guilt too! But like you, YLF has helped me there. When you acknowledge your climate, and start to equip yourself in consequence, life becomes so much easier (in terms of getting dressed).

Storing the clothes from the other seasons away from the eyes and grasp might be the best way to go in our climate.

I really like how your style has been shaping itself to where you are now. It's amazing to see the two pictures side by side. You could wear the boho artsy style well, I think, but this more classic turn seems to be more you, and maybe have more personality on you (because of how you wear it). It's interesting to see where it will go.

You look fab! Congratulations!!

Co0ngrtaulation Suz

Congrats Suz! Absolutely fab to see the transformation! I will have to come back and read your post more carefully later. That will be my pause tweet later today

Congratulations.I guess I never told you but your comments are always so heartwarming to me.And I guess everybody must feel the same kind of care you have in everything you post.