Hard tech trade show? I’d guess the chinos and polo would be dead-on everywhere in the world… never worked in aviation, but manufacturing equipment and energy, that’s what everyone wore. Or jeans and a button up. I think suits died at the turn of the millennium. People wear them the first day of office visits only, if at all, and that jacket comes off immediately.
For Ohio, I’d say spray-starched and ironed. Actually, I’d do a golf shirt instead of a polo; the difference tho is practically nought. And while I’m sure people do wear black, I feel they also try to avoid it. I have great respect for what I consider the highly disciplined aesthetic of Ohioans, but it should be noted that it’s a keep-your-head down one. Cheerful, restrained, the antithesis of flashy. Pink and blue pastels, florals. Duck-in-bonnet pot holders.
But then people from Vegas turn up everywhere, we’re all used to them now… so it doesn’t really matter (Just teasing, Vegas folk!)