I am an underbuyer. There are certain things on that list that really resonated with me, like "you’re suspicious of specialized objects and resist buying things dedicated very specific uses" and "You often consider buying an item, then decide, “I’ll get this some other time” or “Maybe we don’t really need this.”" > These two things really define my buying habits particularly when it comes to cosmetics and household stuff. However, I've often found out that these turn out to be true. I don't really need 100 specialized items, and I probably don't that thing right now - or ever! lol....

Yes I can relate to those points too Bella. And you are right, we often don't really need the things.
My family teases me occasionally about one of my under buying episodes. I went into a supermarket and noted that they were selling lunchboxes for $2 - thus definitely affordable. And DD10 has had a cracked lunchbox for months. I thought of her - but did I buy it - on no, I just went to the "I'll get this some other time" route. Then I made the mistake of telling her!

I wrote this on Manidipa's thread, but I think it belongs more here

"I told DD3 (age 6) tonight that I would take her shopping on Saturday for new PJ's, new tracksuit pants and (at her request) new white socks for school (lots of lost sock angst in out house. Her eyes lit up. As the youngest she doesn't get many new clothes - though none of them get many. I have never bought her a PJS and no (non school) tracksuit pants since she was 2

I feel conflicted about this and have had to override the voice in my head that this feels extravagent and spoiling her, that she already has 2 pairs (one gift and one handed down - but she still feels she runs out) and that it may be a waste of money because her grandma may give her some (which she likes to do, but I don't know the timing of her generosity!)

Although we are on a tightish budget we can actually afford this, and it will be our special time for the week together. "

Does anyone else find it hard to spend any money at all on clothing their children especially for non essentials like this?