Star, for me, it's been almost a wash. Keep in mind I'm not really a "scouring Goodwill for great scores" type person, though. Paying a reasonable "about half price" for secondhand pieces, those pieces have lasted about half as long.

I don’t track any wears but about 2 years ago I put together a spreadsheet of my entire inventory of clothes, including coats/outerwear, shoes and bags. I also started to track what I purchased. This was eye opening because I realized that I was buying far more than I thought I was although most of my purchases were secondhand. It also helped me get a grip on how much I was spending on clothes and shoes over the course of a year. I also cross off things that get donated or put on consignment and that has helped me realize where my purchase mistakes are. I currently have about 65 clothing items (includes outerwear but not shoes or bags). I would love to get that down to around 50 to get a little more breathing room in my closet.

Allora I am going to maintain my inventory list and In and Out list. They are super helpful. I really like the idea of less items in the closet. Breathable makes sense to m.

Star We have quite small closets (by design, I might add) and I hate when clothes feel like they are jammed in. I just counted the hanging clothes in my bedroom closet, which includes all bottoms (I like to hang even my jeans) but not most of my coats and outerwear, and it comes to 48 and it still feels a little too tight to me.

Agree that “in and out” lists are very helpful, although painful at times. I was just looking at my list yesterday and cringing over the buying mistakes that got never or hardly worn, donated or went to consignment. I just try to learn the lesson and move on but I sure do wish I had that time and money back!