Carole :: this is probably my favourite part of your comment - I found myself experimenting and coming to the realization that I knew myself better than I thought. Exactly. And your style has become so purified and ladylike, I enjoy every post and look forward to it as a source of inspiration. I want to be where you are.
TraceyLiz :: thanks for the comment and planting the image of weeble-wobble in my head. Great visual for this whole thinking process. And you are so right about too much of anything.
bj1111 :: style fidelity - I love this
caro :: I love your food analogy.
shevia, Elizabeth, Shannon, Raisin :: I am delighted, and honored, the post gives you food for thought. Thank you.
Angie :: spot on I always feel my best in a simple outfit… My best, my best - that's what I want to focus on.
MNsara :: I agree, a lot of us have - or still are - going through this stage. It's probably a sort of Style rite of passage. And I agree that spiral is closer to truth than the full circle.
Eliza :: beautifully said - options mistaken for answers. Wow! And this speaks to me personally: my time would be better spent refining my understanding and use of what I already have. Thank you.
Sveta :: another gem - I need to find a balance between having too little choice and being bored with a very small wardrobe and having too much choice and being frustrated that I cannot wear everything I have on a regular basis. That's the whole point.
I recently had a conversation with a friend who was shocked I didn't have crazy shopping session a month ago when I went to England. I said "But I want to wear what I have." It felt good hearing myself saying that aloud.
You are very right in describing previous period of your style-life as starving - same thing here. The challenges of finding long clothes to dress in really sucked any joy out of the whole process, which is why I still find it hard to let some things go (but what if don't find such long sleeved top again?). I'm working on it though.
Diane :: "I doesn't mean we have to try and imitate all that we see. To realise this is to start to be more confident with ones own style." Yes!
Denise :: thanks for chiming in. I hope you had a good sleep
Suz :: you're not late (I'm the one who's late with responses, but time zone difference plus kid with the cold and regular errands took their share of my time for the thread).
Nicely distilled: experimentation, then refinement. I agree. I just couldn't express it so simply, but that's what I wanted to say
mtgirl :: I'm happy this post resonates with you. You've analysed beautifully your own stage of style journey and that, in return, resonates with me. I also love your formula of two tops for each bottom. I too find it difficult to find the right bottoms, but also think that variety in bottoms offer a huge platform for variety in outfits, so I'll definitely work on coming up with my comfortable ratio. Thank you for this valuable insight.
Kristin :: I had a huge grin reading your comment. And I nodded at every word. You are right, I did deliberately chose the word "Daring" as that is how I feel - I have to challenge myself sometimes to leave off bells and whistles.
Stacey :: another quote to highlight it: Now my goal is to find those pieces that make me feel great and nearly style themselves. I agree 100%
tracina :: I hope you come back to be regular again and discover that one candy that is worth leaving all other sweet, juicy, , colorful ones in their jars. But, also, keep experimenting - as others have pointed out, being all over place style-wise is in most cases is even necessary and leaves us with firm ideas what - and why - we like our final choices.
Vildy :: great thoughts, needing to live in another universe. Here is to wearing what we love and loving what we wear - in this one