Thank you all for your responses.
If I keep it, I'd definitely do what many of you suggest - pair it with classic pieces. I'll try it with the options I have before I decide.
As kkards alluded, I'm on a bit of a style reassessment at the moment and am trying to figure out where I'll land. I really love color and patterns. Strict conservative dress doesn't really feel like me or my office, even. At the same time, there's a limit.
Bj1111, you raise an interesting question/point. I have been in my profession for a long time and have a large body of work that I can point to. I'm in a leadership position. There are no women above me in my company to whom I can look for inspiration. As I've mentioned before, the other executives (all men) in my office are fairly fashion forward, too. But since they are all men, it's really hard to benchmark my clothes against theirs. Between the positions we hold and our work experience, it'd be nice if those alone afforded women in high level leadership positions the ability to set the standard. But there's more that factors into it all, isn't there? Lots of food for thought.