What SarahD8 and Brookyn said.

I use the world "tonal" a bit loosely, which to a colour expert is reckless!

I refer to tonal dressing as MATCHED, TONAL, and MONOCHROMATIC. All of which mean slightly different things. But no matter the colour, the visual effect is low contrast.

Wouldn't the -al in the word tonal modify the word tone to indicate a range?

I’m agreeing with Angie, who agrees with me, ha ha!

I think there are lots of ways of doing tonal. I think some of the outfits that Angie showed in Irina’s thread had a kind of tonal colourblocking effect (distinct blocks of analogous colours), which is quite different from a column of colour (monochrome) or from a shaded effect (the same colour in different intensities). But all are tonal.

Um, this thread hurt my brain.
Could you just call them “nearby colours” ?