I'm pretty much in love with this dress. Talk me out of it if you must but I cannot imagine finding something that feels more right for me. It's about as romantic as I can go without feeling like a fake, and I really did want some romance for the occasion, so I feel incredibly lucky that I found it. This is the size 4, which fits like a dream: perfect length, great at hips with no pulling, great at bust with no gaping. I also have the 6 but did not try. I will if you think I should though.
Please excuse the black lacy strapless bra. The dress is very sheer so I do need good undergarments and would even consider a slip of some kind even though it is lined. What do you think?
For jewelry, I am imagining just a fab cuff. Or one of my mothers bracelets - multi strand pearl or antique silver. Thoughts?
And how do you feel about the okalas?
Look forward to your thoughts!!!'

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