Hello! I'm back. I used to post fairly regularly but this was many years ago. I am inspired to come back and post here more as I would like to move past the sloppiness I moved into during the pandemic years.

In that effort, I am making effort to better define my personal style and to dress in a more polished manner. I recently read the book Wear it Well by Allison Bornstein and plan to work through her method. Her big hook is the three word method which becomes your guiding light when shopping or putting together outfits. You pick three words to define your style:

  1. Your first word: Practical word, defined by your regulars. Your comfort zone, where you feel at home. A word that connects the dots and creates your style.
  2. Your second word: Something aspirational, a north star to guide you forward: where creativity, curiosity, and grown come into play.
  3. Your third word: offers an emotional counterpoint and describes how you want to feel in your clothes.

I'm curious if anyone has done this or something similar and if so, I invite you to share your words.

I'm not ready to decide on my words but I am considering:

  1. unfussy or comfortable
  2. artsy or creative
  3. playful

I know that my lifestyle is super casual with not a lot of reason to dress up and that I much prefer comfort and clothes that are easy to wear. I love creativity and the arts and absolutely consider those aspects more aspirational than actually present in my current style. And I love bright colors and playful prints such as polka dots and stripes, so I think playful captures that well.

Here's a photo of what I wore to a party on the 4th and I feel like it was a pretty nice step up from the sloppy joggers and tee that I would have worn before starting to put more effort into my dress.

All comments and feedback are welcome!

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