Hmmm these were pretty popular in sunny Goa some time ago... Say 2 years...
Called as the Harem pant then...)I know technically incorrect but the flea market vendors called them that )
Gaylene: I have trouble walking in pencil skirts too. =P

I meant to add that I actually think these are pretty cool, and I'd like to see them styled. (I like the photo Siniestra posted too!)
If you think of them as hybrid pants-skirt, they make a lot more sense I actually think they're very cool. Though like many of you, can't imagine wearing myself.
MaryK, I have to add Very Very Artistic Woman to my list of styles. Yes I do!

But hey, I would wear these. I mean my eyes would probably glaze over them in the store, but I am not afraid. Hehe.
Visually it's a lot like a maxi-skirt, so I guess it could work that way. Sitting would be an issue for me, though, because I often cross my legs and sometimes more like a guy, with ankle over knee. It all depends on how hobbled I'd feel...
Actually those offend me a lot less than "regular" dropped-crotch pants. They almost look like a skirt.

But still...count me out.