Great stuff LJP!
One thing I’ve noticed since I got more ruthless about clothes needing to fit my style- everything gets enjoyed. Before, I could put together objectively ok outfits from a wider range of clothes, but felt not myself, frumpy even. Currently travelling and took carry on luggage only (only needed hot weather clothing). Packing was easy- an extension of my usual wardrobe.

Woohoo!!! That's amazing. I feel lighter just reading this; I can imagine how you are feeling. Keep going!! At your own pace and in your own way. Your cheering squad will be here in standby when needed!!

Amazing job!

I’m rooting for you on this leg of style journey. Hoping you are making fun outfits with your smaller, more focused wardrobe.

Glad you made your deep culling, but didn’t get too worried about maybe still having some things to sort through.
I have found it’s important to listen to my decision- fatigue, time limits, plain ole fatigue, during my usual biggest seasonally- driven edits. Even in retirement I still may run out of time - maybe a trip or family visit occurring when I could use “ just one more morning, or hit a wall on something or other. And want to take some time to wear the items/ outfits that made the cut, and see what’s up. Then over another few weeks, or even the season, I’ll have some “ aha” moments about random items and weed them out, and it feels good and not rushed. Because I also don’t always have the heck yes or joy- sparking just by holding something up , or maybe forgot something is a subtle outfit- maker.

I’ll be interested in how you work through adding new items again, because that’s an issue I have. My local retail options will still be limited. I actually do put up with credit card churn, but am somewhat surprised that that still doesn’t pull in the “ keepers” I’m looking for. Perhaps because there are many vendors I’m not even trying because they’re unfamiliar for sizing, quality shipping & return costs. Too many choices.

Nice job! I can tell from the tone that you feel better already! I am not good at editing but sometimes once I get going then it becomes easier. You could do the "turn the hanger backwards to see what doesn't get worn" trick if you can't do the rolling rack.

Thanks for writing about your process. I think most of us can relate. I have not had anything useful to add because I have certainly not figured it all out for myself, but I do realize that there are cycles and phases that are important for each of us, and it's all part of the journey.
Right now I am having vicarious satisfaction from your purge! Also your tidy and appealing summer capsule. Hope you enjoy your renewed closet as it reveals itself. It all sounds wonderful!

This is impressive and awesome and a little scary!! I don't think I could have done it. The emotional and literal breathing room must feel so refreshing. Like breathing mountain air after city smog.

Now you have room to work in your closet, and can lay out capsules, outfits, whatever you choose. Thank you for taking us with you on this amazing journey!

Lisa, I am so happy for you! Congratulations on this major clean out!

Count me in as someone who is inspired by your reflections and actions. Thank you!

Wow! I am so impressed. I didn't really realize the state your wardrobe was in. I thought it was full of gorgeous new clothing because you always look so great. Good job getting rid of the 100 unworn, unloved items.

This is huge! Not only did you talk about it, but you DID it and drove it all to the donation centre, natch! (that last one is where I often fall down, and things languish in the basement.) I TOTALLY see how things add up - I am always adding random pieces from thrifting and then forgetting I have them. It seems like you are developing a clearer idea of what you want to look like - and what you DON'T want to look like. You are inspiring me to do this myself! Great job!

Impressive! Wow... just wow!

Well thanks , all :). I was pretty pleased with myself , I will admit . There are up-sides to not having storage and basements or garages to hide things: those 5 bags had nowhere else to go but straight out the door .

I’d share pictures but honestly my closet is very uninteresting . It’s a builder -double mirrored sliding door closetwith one rail . I had to add a drop bar on my side to give me more short hanging space .

Angie , I love your enthusiasm but I don’t own a rolling rack anymore , won’t be buying another one , and do not have the room to have one out in my bedroom . My closet is now empty enough that I can see everything easily . And …..honestly ? I don’t wear anything other than my work clothes most of the week . It’s shorts and a top for around the house and I no longer fuss over what that looks like .

So - no spending until September , and I’m signing out of IG until then too . Should be a quieter - literally and figuratively - summer

Congratulations, Lisa! I'm also working on a mostly no-buy through September, with an exception for replacements. That's helping me focus on wearing what I love, culling what I no longer do as I go, and giving me the opportunity to level-up quality when I can. For example: I just replaced a stack of older panties with ten spanking new ones in a cut and material that works better for me now and I over the moon. Total cost: $30 at T J Maxx. Sometimes it's those little things! Cheering you on in solidarity.

Useful revised closet space and environment! Did I tell you that my apartment building is getting a new roof

Dang. I’m impressed. I guess I should get a move on… I dragged half my closet out and… the dog has had nowhere to walk for a couple weeks, lol

Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your success. While I don't have an extensive clothes collection it could certainly use some serious rethinking and the determination to make the hard choices. Thanks for the motivation.

I was also inspired by your post! I find it so refreshing to clear out stuff that doesn't inspire me any more. You should absolutely be pleased with your work, and I don't think you should be so hard on yourself about not meeting your list exactly. I think we all need an element of light-hearted delight and playfulness in our approach to our clothes.

Your summer palate cleanse sounds wonderful. Just a few simple things and no stress.

Lisa, you did all the work and I feel exhausted! Well done, the first step to being happy with your closet and you, accomplished. The work in progress will be easier as you move through the seasons and are able to better define who you are and what doesn't support this. Lisa, your style journey has a cleared path, enjoy the journey.

I can't express properly how wonderful it felt to be able to put away my shoes today and actually have a space for them on the shoe rack in my closet instead of being carelessly piled in a cartoon-like jumble on the floor of my closet (except that was reality, not a cartoon) . I think those of us who have too much of anything , be it food, clothes, alcohol, whatever it is, punish ourselves by letting it get out of hand and having too much of it around us. I may be generalizing too broadly , and please forgive me if I am, as maybe i'm not articulating that thought well. But what I mean is , I let it all fester until I can't take it anymore, which is where I was at by the end of last week. I deserve to have a functioning, beautiful wardrobe and damn it, I'm going to have one

I'm still not sure how I'm going to get there, what with my limited patience for scrolling through clothing websites, so I have to be prepared to settle again for what I do find without a ton of time spent. I don't know about all of you, but I can scan a store's offering and hone in on what I want to look at a lot faster than I can online. Things also catch my eye in a way they don't online . But - I can keep throwing up roadblocks , or get over myself and move on.

I love your color palette, and I'm looking forward to some show-and-tell outfits.

LJP, I think that’s such an interesting comment about addiction- once it kicks off, there is always that tendency to look for another high (whether via clothes or whatever)… and then it gets messy and overwhelming, not fun anymore.
There’s pleasure in not getting to that messy point, but it’s not a ‘high’, and certainly not what advertising wants to encourage!

Well I am impressed! Mission determined and accomplished in just a couple of days. Modern, pretty, minimal sound like a good jumping off point for you. Does modern cover sophisticated? Modern always seems like a moving target to me. Just musing - feel free to ignore. And congratulations!

Congrats! Wonderful follow up and sounds like you are well on your way to the reset you are seeking. For the record, I love your outfits and always think you look fab! Please know your posts help many of us who aren't confident enough to fully participate on the forum but learn so much from your willingness to share. Thank you Lisa and best wishes for moving forward with your changes.

I’m shocked! Not only did you ac omplosh the edit - you have a written plan for going forward. Applause for taking a media break.

I haven't been participating much recently, but I've been reading, and I just wanted to chime in to say, "Go you!" Seriously well done, and I hope you're enjoying your newfound breathing room.

LJP, I'm even more glad that you switched off IG!

I edit and review closets with clients. It's not trivial! I make clients try on items too - otherwise we can't make good decisions. It can take anything from 2 to 10 hours. It's very active, and can be exhausting.

You cannot successfully go forward with your style before you've cleaned up and know what you have, and how you feel about it. You have completed a very important big step!!!


Nice work...and very inspiring! Isn't it a great feeling?

I needed a lie down just reading how much work you done !

I still am in shock . I hope this feeling of finally having turned that corner is real .