Consummate professional! I know what you mean about tame/bold for some depending. I think I'm out there while at the same time thinking I'm pretty par for the course.

Classic and chic! Wear this again. Sticking to black and white and saving the color for the bag helps the eye accept the pattern mix and keeps it quite subtle. Great fit and proportions, too!

You have such exquisite taste Christy. I love this outfit in it's entirety! The knitwear softens the leather, the pattern mixing is not jarring at all, and I was wanting the bit of color your bag provided. I think it's perfect! You look just fabulous!

Oh wow! This is an amazing look, and the green bag is the perfect zap of color in the classic black & white color palette. Love the pattern mixing with one dominant and one subtle, and the texture mixing!

You really nailed it.

A truly fabulous outfit and not tame at all (not to me at least). What an amazing look and you really do look incredible in this. It's one of those "knocked it out of the park" outfits, or as Angie might say, "flying around the room." It's *that* good.


Totally and completely works! You really made the leather skirt work appropriate and the green bag is amazing.

love this look!!! very stylish and chic

Wow - thanks everyone for the positive and helpful feedback (as in why it works and is okay)! You all really made my day. Glad to know that venturing out of my comfort zone can be a good thing!

Christianne, Dianthus and Deborah - I'd love to have lunch and/or go shopping! And Deborah, thank you for the comment about still looking professional and authoritative. That's a very important element to what I wear to work, so I don't like to get too "out there".

MaryK - hi back leather skirt twin!

KikiG - your comment cracked me up. On my business formal days, I'm pretty buttoned up in a suit, so this is on the more casual side for me with the knit wear and leather skirt. But I can certainly be on the more casual side as well. And do you often stand up in front of 600 people and talk for an hour? If so - wow! Impressive.

Rachylou - I think that this was one of those times when if I saw someone else post this WIW, I wouldn't even think twice about it being too bold. But because it was a bit out of my comfort zone, it did feel bold for me.

I think youREALLY hit it out of the park. LOVE the look, particularly the green bag.

I love this outfit and, first off, I want to commend you for taking the risk to try something out of your comfort zone. The mixing, the pop of color with your handbag and your leather skirt all read as Una said. This is better than business casual IMHO. Yes, I want to join you for lunch and go shopping with you, too. Keep pushing the envelope. You're doing great.