My bus passes this cute shop in which I spotted interesting belts long ago through the window and since I'm on a hunt for non-black wide belt I finally stopped over there today. No luck with belts, but as I was walking out this gorgeous vest was staring at me.
Pro 1: In my size.
Pro 2: In MY color.
Pro 3: It ticks so many other boxes - interesting cut with elements of asymmetry and striking collar.
Con 1: It's made of boiled wool (almost identical fabric and color to my favorite red dress, and I love that fabric), so it's pretty much end of season for it with spring around the corner, but it is an interesting piece that I can see myself wearing for a long time - if I buy it.
Con 2: Price tag.
Con 3: I'm clueless how to style it. The obvious idea is turtleneck (it's probably itchy on uncovered neck) and I was wearing one today, so that would definitely work. Any other ideas?? Are any other possibilities needed at all?