I know this post is seasonally off but I hope to get some input still

I found some dresses I really like - see pics - that I want to make work for fall and winter. I live in Sweden and would wear the dress when it's 0 degrees Celsius or below.

Tights with different thickness is the obvious solution, but, I'm not a huge fan of tights with feet (feet gets sweaty and cold). So I'm thinking sheer leggings (third pic), so leggings in the same fabric as tights. But, I get stuck on how to do with socks..! I feel like it would look weird having socks with the sheer leggings? Even if I wear shoes at work and it won't show there, I would like to feel like I CAN be without shoes and it still looking ok!

Do you follow my train of thoughts? Any input of how to style dresses for cold weather without tights with feet?

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