I went through my closet yesterday, and although the closet 101 advice is to get rid of stuff that doesn't fit, I found myself sectioning off a few too-small things to the side. Goes against decluttering wisdom, but we'll see if I drop a few pounds in the mean time.

Carol I never get rid of clothes because they don't fit one size up or one size down as my weight fluctuates and their time always comes around.

I came here during a whole rennovation, but it took a long time. Right now I feel very settled and even refreshes have slowed way down. A lot of everything was driven by the fact that I was a contractor and changed locations evey couple of years. Now I’m totally devoted to the bakery. I think what’s really coming down the road is a closet purge. I don’t need any fancy clothes tbh.

Will have to reflect on the thread. I try to buy continuously and always true to my style-replacing old items with better the same kind or other colors, better fabrics or more interesting textures/prints- but when midi/maxis/wide legs/crops entered I was happy like a clam!
But whaaat???? Will fashion go back to limited availability of some items ref. color, lengths, cuts-for each season again????
I thought fashion became more inclusive so not going back to where I struggled findig my midi lengths (for coats, skirts, dresses even blazers&tops) wider legs, fluid cuts +substantial chunkier shoes and some colors for decades, or so!!! I'm feeling devastated to hear from Angie that shorter lengths are comming back more violently than expected...:-(((.

I am so sorry it is taking me so long to respond! I did write up a response last night that the computer ate. And now I am rushing! But I will be back later today, I promise. Have appreciated every comment so far!

First, my apologies for the delayed response. I wrote a long note last night that disappeared into the ether when my computer crashed. And then today I was on the go nonstop. I have read and appreciated every response!

Suntiger — I think if you have a smaller wardrobe and a changing lifestyle, a substantial renewal every few years makes sense. The trouble is, so many of us are poised between wanting to be environmentally aware and unwasteful and also wanting to have fun with fashion — and to be practical for whatever lifestyle changes we might have undergone. It is complicated!

I think maybe the person you are referring to was the one who did an analysis back when I was doing a full style renewal. Not sure she is still here — and I’m not in need of a full renewal, anyway — more like an update.

Irina, it’s so interesting what you say about pants cut/ length being the driver for major refreshes in your case. I think you (and Angie) are onto something with that because for me, trends happen (mostly) on the bottom.

Lisa, it would be hard to miss my endless posts, LOL! And you ask a really good question, one that I’ve enjoyed reading others’ answers to, in this thread.

I think in my case, a couple of factors are at play.

  1. Coming out of pandemic lockdown mode. Yes, we are still in a pandemic. But i’m out in the world more. I know, for example, that I will be classroom teaching and Zoom teaching in the fall — two distinct public facing situations to dress for. I also hope to travel a bit, or at least dream of travelling. No plans yet because family members have upcoming surgeries that need to be worked around, as well as my own work obligations. But…a girl can dream.
  2. Trends in the past five years or so have largely not been to my favour — earth tones, ditsy prints, slip dresses, etc. This meant my purchasing over the past half decade tended to be more in the “replacement essentials” category, with the odd wild card from a thrift expedition. And of course also a lot of gear.
  3. Stuff has worn out all at once — I’m talking summer tops, shorts, jeans, sandals, sneakers…stuff I need.
  4. As Angie says, I’m “trendy on the bottom” and again, for the past five years the bottoms have not worked so well on me or at least I could not find the ones that did, so I bought and re-bought the same kinds of item (or literally the same item) and ended up feeling bored of it.

I am so excited to hear about your style renewal and I can’t wait to see how it develops. It’s wonderful that you are feeling more optimistic about your health and eating patterns.

I think you are right that fashion has changed enormously over the past few years and we might have felt like we were asleep as it happened because, I mean, why buy if you have nowhere to go? But now we need to make the shift. I really appreciate your comment about giving yourself permission to donate more than might be typical. I am wrestling with that and am going to try to take the same approach.

Angie, you are so, so right about the need for change! And motion! And I appreciate your breakdown — what has needed a big update and what is more or less tickety-boo (if you can find the right replacement items for worn favourites.) I especially appreciate the warning about hem lengths. Summer dresses might be a stock-up item for me this year, too, because however “trendy on the bottom” I am, I won’t be wearing minis or hot pants any time soon.

LaPed, I would love to see some photos of your current style and how you are leaning in. I can envision it based on your Finds and also some earlier photos, but I love the sounds of confidence in your voice, and of course as someone who has to live in gear or gear-like outfits a lot of the time, I would also value the inspiration!

Carla, I so remember your big renewal!! You aced it, and your style gets more and more honed in every year. I do think with a smaller wardrobe it’s necessary to refresh more vigorously, more often — things get worn looking and tired. But that can be a good thing — if you can find the right replacements and evolvers.

Dee, I can’t wait to see more of your new, more relaxed outfits. I think you are 100% right about the pandemic playing a big role in all this….we were stuck, mentally, emotionally, and to a large degree also physically. We need more room to move now!

Jaime, I can’t wait to see your new direction! I’m curious to know what’s not working any more, and where you are going. You always look fantastic in the photos you post. But any shifts you might be making will be inspirational, I know! So show us!

Jessikams, I’ve noticed your new determination to treat yourself like a real grown up! And I love it. You will never not be sassy and edgy in your stye — it’s always going to be part of your signature — but now you will find ways to have fun that also give you a certain powerful presence in the world.

I don’t think I’m aiming for a new version of self so much as updating my closet to demonstrate that I’m connected in some way with what is happening and enjoying the fun of fashion!

Jenni, it might have something to do with your having worked outside the home throughout the pandemic — although others also did. I think it might be more related to your values and goals — you came to YLF looking to refine your style and reduce the size of your closet and your consumption while still enjoying fashion. You have finally got the closet down to a manageable size and are purchasing mindfully, and you are enjoying this process and leaning into your style preferences and persona. Carry on!! You have never looked better.

I came to. YLF from the opposite position — no clothes (literally!) and I had to build up and then refine a wardrobe. I did a great job on this, if I do say so myself. But then I feel I stagnated a bit during the pandemic. Not that I made no purchases — on the contrary — I continued to buy, though considerably less, apart from needed gear. But style wise I did not evolve, and that’s important to me. So on I go, on my own path.

Staysfit, I love that word replenishment. And it is so instructive and permission-giving to me. I remember you once had a very large (and gorgeous!!) wardrobe. And then, I guess, you whittled it down due to lifestyle/ workplace shifts and now you have discovered that smaller closets need more frequent updating…it is an ever-evolving process. I can’t wait to see which direction you go as we move into a new season. Your purchases are always so well thought out and so beautiful! And you have honed your style to such a high degree already…I will enjoy seeing the next phase!

Janet, you have a fabulous closet full of every kind of wonderful piece imaginable — from the wild and edgy to the practical down to earth gear -type stuff. I love your clothes and especially love how well they work for you! Congrats on moving along on your weight loss goals. It’s fun to reacquaint ourselves with old favourites when that happens.

gryffin, I hear you. Strike while the iron is hot! Especially for those with as well defined a style as your own, it makes so many kinds of sense. And you are buying quality. That kind of quality does not date — the unique design details, even if subtle, make the item so, so loveable and often practical, as well, and really pay off, down the line.

OliveGreen, LOL. Thanks for that vote of confidence. I promise you, I’ll find the right pair at some point…

I love the sounds of your palette and especially with your newly white pixie — I would love to see this! The warm brights with white hair must be stunning!

Robin, I hear you on the hair…it can be tricky, right? You want to let it all be natural, but depending on what your natural colouring was, the letting in of the grey can feel like a fading out rather than a celebration. I’m strongly in favour of very strong cuts for greying or greyed hair. It makes a huge difference.

But then, my own experience was a bit more like Star’s — my colouring/ style felt “off” with my dyed hair, which was too warm no matter what for my now cooler complexion, and going grey solved that problem and let me focus on making my hair a feature rather than a bug.

Salt-sea — wow, that is a lot of change you are / have been negotiating! I really like your idea of playing with seasonal capsules. Especially if your life roles are in flux, it can be difficult to decide what to let go of, so if you concentrate on what you want to wear now and store the rest, it eases decision fatigue. Works if you have the storage space!

Star, I love that phrase — a long-winded renewal! It’s like a big exhale, inhale. With a pause at each!

Irina, I think your style is already quite fashion-forward - to the extent that a person has avant garde leanings, they always look modern, it seems to me. I am still waiting to grow up into this. I probably never will, entirely, but a girl can hope and dream…or maybe just acknowledge it’s her shadow style???

SarahDB — you had a big style renewal last summer and experimented with new to you silhouettes and styles that remain current. So no wonder you are watching and waiting!

ChristelJ — “mistakes were made.” Oh, how I relate to that! I still make them, though fewer than I once did. But when you describe the amount of change you were going through — no wonder!!!! It sounds as if you are in a good place now, though — having fun!

Slimcat — you are so right — it is possible to get jeans but much harder to get trousers in a lower rise. I am sure that will shift over the next year or two. I just hope they keep all rises in play so everyone can find a fit that works! And I understand the challenges of going oversized when one is small and straight-shaped. I have to be so, so careful with these items and it requires a level of thought (and experimentation and tryons) that more classic shapes do not require.

Carla, I agree about the psychology of it all. We want to be out there! Even the introverts amongst us!

Carol, hanging onto stuff that you still love is important, too — no point tossing it if you might wear it agqin and enjoy it!

Rachy, LOL . A renovation sounds right for my entry, too. Or a build. But I hear you on the bakery. You need clothes that work for work and clothes that work for fun — and not a lot else.

Lyn, if midis disappear I will be very very sad, too!! I hope that will not happen. If it does, I’ll be in pants all the time!

What a great thread with lots of thought provoking comments.

I do agree Suz that when trends are in your favour it is easier to be adventurous - and when they are not - it can be a lot of repetition or replacement - and for me - some churn. I recall lots of tunics and leggings in the 00 years- very few of them worked (they looked cute on other people). And then skinny jeans and ballet flats with long tops in black and grey - it never suited me despite trying and trying.

Whereas earthy tones, blazers, midi dresses, straighter and cropped pants - a very very natural easy fit for me.

I have added 10 items this year - and a lot in the essential replacement or gear category - and in fact over the last 12 months not a lot of statements at all. I am adding less statements and more essentials - but I think my statements are better/more me. I feel confident in my style.

So I think 2023 will be a few replacements- more of a refresh. I am focussing on more practical pieces into this winter - and I don't need much. Many of them have been replacements for worn pieces.

Lilac merino sweatshirt - replacing a lost lilac merino top
Black merino top - replacing a worn out black cotton top
Black joggers - updating older black joggers
Chocolate wide leg - replacing black wide leg
Denim shorts - replacing white denim shorts
Black blazer - replacing worn out black blazer.......

In fact the only things since spring 22 that are not replacements are below and I don't feel these are a change in my style but more of a refresh (maybe the lilac dress is a bit of an update).

Some great discussion going on here... I can see parts of myself in almost all of the comments, funnily enough!

I actually can't remember the last time I had a big, intentional style renewal! I think that might be why I felt the need to come up with a completely new moniker this year - it feels like I've spent years limping, picking up pieces of how I want to dress & trying to slot them into how I'm 'expected' to dress, without *consciously* admitting/ realising that the entire jigsaw puzzle has changed together (my climate/ continent, health, job/ industry - & lifestyle/ societal expectations!)

Things are finally starting to click in some places but I'm still confused on how to manifest my overall style direction - I think being forced to spend a lot of time at home since the 2019 protests is contributing to my need for a drastic overhaul (as others have cited the pandemic) but also the fact that many of the upcoming trends just don't appeal to me (I think you'll agree that I'm neither 90s grunge, 2000s bubblegum Y2K nor 2010s indie sleaze - all predicted trends, lol)...

Not sure if this explanation makes sense but I feel I almost became a little sartorially complacent these past few years, seeing there were so many options that *could* work within my old puzzle parameters (e.g. maxi lengths, cropped tops, longer jackets, blouson/ puffy sleeves). But now that it looks like I may have to return to primarily secondhand/ custom clothing (I switched to mostly online shopping since the last few years in HK), I'm sartorially panicking a little inside - will my style direction withstand these issues in retail availability? What even *IS* my style direction anymore, lol?

TL;DR I think I'm in dire need of a style refresh (but I don't want to get rid of *everything*) lol, so you all aren't alone!

Sal, it seems to me your style is in a really good place -- better than ever -- so it makes sense to me that you would need a more minor refresh. I do think we need something every season -- like Jenn's 5 piece idea -- and you have more or less that, above, in the non-replacement category. I really like your thoughtfulness, though, about what is to count as replacement, e.g. brown pants for black, and different fabrications in some cases even if colour remains the same. You've also bought some standout pieces (palazzo pants, coat, dresses) in the past year that convey so much and are entirely congruent with your style aspirations. I think when we find those key pieces, whatever they are, we can be content with more replacement items to fill in gaps. But eventually they wear out, and then we go in search for our new style lynchpins....

Zaeobi, it makes sense that you'd identify with different comments here. Your situation was unique in the sense that you already experienced some shutdown even before covid! And, as you say -- so many variables -- new climate, work conditions, etc. I hope you'll be able to work out the shopping situation so you can continue to get great items as you have in the past few years. I do think your urge for a new moniker is exactly the cue that your style. is going somewhere -- even my own updated moniker signalled that, in retrospect. So I am eager to see where this beautiful bird or paradise lands!

Suz, you are gracious to reply to comments made on your thread with such heart and energy!

FWIW, your style is much about this:

"trendy bottoms and the rest will follow".

When your bottoms weren't right in the adequately on trend sense, things felt off - and you felt stuck. It was tricky to troubleshoot in the pandemic for understandable reasons. Especially since silhouette and proportional changes were not subtle! But look at how things slotted into place after you successfully started refreshing your jeans and pants capsule! They were the catalyst for change.

I get this because the trendy component of my style flows from my bottoms too. For others it flows from tops, toppers, shoes, dresses, skirts, accessories - some, or all of the above.

Angie, thanks! I have enjoyed people's comments and thoughts and it is fun to reflect on each person's style journey.

You are so right about everything flowing from the bottom up! It definitely seems to be the case for me!

What a fun topic! I love seeing everyone's thoughts.

I feel like I'm on the cusp of a renewal, though I suspect it'll be a bit of a reversion, too. I'm finding myself drawn to similar looks and style personas that I've always loved, but that I've drifted away from. My "ideal" looks a little different than it used to, given age and (I hope) a more discerning eye, but the core of it is still intact.

Since the pandemic, I'm feeling an increased desire for practicality in fashion. My weight has shifted... not drastically but enough to make some things just a bit too snug. I also moved out of a management job and back to just being in charge of myself, at least for now, so I feel less of a need to project that kind of authority through my clothing. I also bought some of my current clothes because they were what was easily available, fit well, and I liked them in the abstract, but they aren't really *me* (and some no longer fit quite so well anyway). So it seems like an opportune time for a renewal all around.

Nomad, it definitely sounds like it's time for a renewal. I think during the pandemic a lot of us had slightly or drastically different needs from usual and the shopping was pretty awful for the first two years, even online. So there is that...you take what you can get when there is very little out there....

Suz, as Angie says, thank you for your gracious responses.

Suz, you have raised an interesting question and it has been fun reading the responses and also to take time for some self-reflection. Big changes in my style have occurred around key life changes - entering the workforce, becoming a mother, changes in my employment.

My style goals are for fun and dressy clothing, that does not change. How I dress resets to be practical for what I am doing. I have found that since 2020, my style has evolved because I have been working from home and have far less use for business suits. Instead of mourning the loss of having such a formal wardrobe, I have tried to use this as an opportunity to stretch my style and invest in some wildcard items that I truly love. I'm trying to be practical, but only to a certain extent because I love and enjoy fashion. If I need a raincoat, I want it to be fun, make a statement and feel fab when I wear it.... having everyday items that spark joy and are personal to me are where I see my wardrobe going. I am becoming far stricter about what I buy near enough is no longer good enough.

This is such an interesting discussion! Building on points already made, I would add two thoughts - one is that every 10 years or so there is a bit of a sea change in fashion, but as others have pointed out, 2020 was pandemic year so that messed with the timeline, so to speak and now many of us (me!) are trying to hit fast-forward in order to catch up with the movement of things.

But the other big thing that's different with the 20s is the explosive influence of social media. Whereas in 2010, I would go to the shops and see the mannequins all of a sudden styled in, say, skinny jeans and blousey tops so it was easy to identify the 'new sihouette', now the shops are far less clear in their direction as they try to pander to a million and one voices saying what's what. It's probably good ultimately - no rules and something for everyone - but it's significantly harder to navigate if one is interested in capturing the sort-of mainstream 'current look' of the times to some extent ... if that makes any sense?

Although I know lots of people don't follow influencers per se, like trends, they are part of the ecosystem now so virtually impossible to escape!

Good point , Helena .

Really enjoy this.

First- renewal vs refresh may be too much for me to define at this point because I gradually did a version of “renewal “ since retiring 3 years ago.
Removing more professional- looking items, having to be more limited in footwear as feet were rebelling, hence some silhouettes didn’t work with my footwear. Not being in cold hospital environment & we keep our home warmer in summer so less need for warmer fabrics unless easy care. Then yep, some figure- shape changes and since not needing a professional wardrobe, no need to replace/ replenish with similar things or “ refresh” with new styles for that environment.

Except, the pandemic hit immediately so I feel my renewal has been “ stunted renewal”. I did not get to start activities I had planned nor experiment with “ style persona” to fit a new but “ normal” lifestyle.

I DID buy a number of new, mostly very casual things and have tried to see the learning/ experimenting I got from that.

Also recently had cataract surgery & will also like wear glasses for some activities , but not the same activities as before.
So colors look much different, will have a glasses style to factor in. I put most clothing purchases on hold while going through all this because I anticipated these many “ visual “ changes might influence my choices.

All in all, I think I’m heading for a RENEWAL if that does not have to mean a complete departure from some longtime core preferences.

Socially, I have an environmental norm that is very casual and comfort- practical, not at all trendy or even polished. And loose! I like things more put- together and tailored but ALSO now want clothing to be more easy- care and comfortable. Yet I really do not at all like to stand out dramatically or appear overdressed. Instead I like to embrace the challenge of “ threading the needle “ to create outfits that give me that something I need but in more subtle way.

Now, it’s true that I might still appear overdressed to others! Because I am not asking a group, hey, what are you thinking about me? So it’s more my internal dialogue that my outfit is comfortable and practical even if different.

Unfrumped, you had a ton of changes to deal with and I really relate to your point about a stagnated renewal -- it's awfully hard to buy for the new lifestyle when the new lifestyle all of a sudden becomes the imaginary new lifestyle! But I'm sure you are making thoughtful progress.

Helena, that's a really good point. Social media has totally changed the landscape, just as blogs did fifteen or twenty years ago...and whether we follow influencers or not we will be seeing those looks on the street, especially on the young kids! I guess that might be part of what made fashion feel difficult to navigate during the pandemic, to the point where some of us more or less put things on pause.

Bijou, I so admire the way you have approached your new style; it's an inspiration. It is not easy to leave more tailored and dressier looks behind but you have found a way to ensure that you aren't losing track of what really matters to you. I think we are similar in our desire for a practical style that still meets some aesthetic priorities (though our practical needs differ, due to climate). It can be a real challenge but you are lighting the way!

I’m in an refresh mode. I’ve lost weight and some of my previously liked/loved items fit again. I’ve also purchased new items. I’m having fun making new combinations. But my core style has a clear through line through my whole life.

Such a great post, Suz!!

In 2011 I consulted with an image consultant and went through a massive style renewal. I went from very frumpy and shapeless wardrobe (that had no style or direction whatsoever) to exploring a lot of styles and finding a space that felt like me. The transformation was exhilarating and inspiring.

I really haven’t changed much since then. Except 3 years ago when the mold toxicity began. And then I was kind of forced into another style renewal/refresh of sorts. Some things have remained, and some have changed simple because they had too. But mostly I feel the core of my style is still intact. There is a sensual and exotic quality that seems to underlay everything.

All this year I’ve actually been wondering, will anything change after mold treatment the next 6-12 months?As I’m aging as a mother will things change due to lifestyle and what will that look like?? It feels curious and scary at the same time. I’m not someone to default to certain styles just because of age. But I’m over high heels for the most part. (Sadly sadly sadly!!!! I love heels but my body does not.) I also realized my days of shopping in the juniors department have run their course. I’m nearly 40, still 5’10 and very curvy, and I’ve matured into my body, age, and style more. Juniors clothing no longer serves me, unless it’s the odd fab find that doesn’t scream “juniors department.”