Happy Sunday morning. Hope you are ready for me. I have been up over an hour thinking about something (and stressing, it is just my nature). And this is real and very serious to me.

O.K. At noon time today , I will be helping serve a meal for needy or homeless people. I have done this before. It is a very emotional thing for me. However, I do not express that feeling to anyone except here.

I went shopping yesterday and bought a navy and white gingham shirt, and a striped colorful tee, blue, pink white, navy and a dash of red. Probably will not wear either one, have to try on several times to be sure. Telling you this so you will get an idea what I like.

I have dark and light wash jeans, white, pink, and of course black pants, etc. I would like to wear a fedora hat, have a cream colored and a white one, semi dressy. Have plenty of tops.

I must stop and get this to you before it is time to go. LOL

Thanks for any and all comments.
