A dedicated lurker here, coming out to put in my 2 cents
I think style monikers and their purpose varies from person to person. For me, my sense of style is innate, and evolves over time. So when I say I'm a "Boho Rockstar Lumberjack", those are just the adjectives that best describe my current style preferences to other people. I don't really have to look at an item and ask myself "Does this fit into my idea of 'BohoRoLu'?". If I'm looking at it, and I like it, I'll make it fit into my wardrobe and play well with other pieces, even if others wouldn't perceive it as any of the above desciptors. And if others don't "get it", well, too bad. I don't have to justify what I like, or how it fits into my closet.
For some, monikers are an inspiration or jumping off point that helps them hone in on a particular style. That's also totally awesome, and a completely valid use for these wacky descriptive terms we come up with
Any way you slice it, no two people will imagine the same big picture (and maybe not even the same nuances) when presented with the same idea. So while 00Noir conjures up one thing for Rae, I probably get and entirely different idea in my head. And that's 100% okay Questioning the details someone chooses to represent their moniker might where be where things get a bit dodgy. As long as these questions are being asked for clarification, or to help the poster more accurately represent what they want to show, I think it's all good. But if it's in a combative, "that's not how I envision 00Noir (as an example)" kind of way, then maybe one should hold off on their commentary. I guess what I'm saying is that both the original poster and the commenter should look at what's being said, and ask themselves where the question is coming from. A lot of stress can be avoided if we all take a moment to think before we speak.
I like to think we can each benefit from monikers in different ways, and that we should all keep out minds open to how others may decide to utilize such an amazing tool!
That turned out to be more than 2 cents worth, so I hope it wasn't too agonizingly to read