So many good things to think about....
Thistle, I have to agree with you, and you have added a new level of clarity to my thinking. You are so correct that none of my handbags are truly investments. They have not gone up in value. They would have no monetary worth if I were to sell them, and the same is true of this bag. Amazing how much desire can muddle ones thinking! This would definitely not be an investment in the classic sense. I believe a more accurate way to describe my thinking would be in terms of cost per wear. The initial cost impact of an item which seems high at first will decrease over time if that item lasts and is useful for many years. I think my handbags fall into the category of being items which were high priced, but also long lived and with high utility over time. Perhaps a white perforated leather bag will not stand up well to this standard?
Karymk, your question is a good one. I am certain I could fall for something and then lose my interest. I am not counting on this bag to make me happy. I think the belief that an object will create happiness carries a great risk of many difficulties, included among them would be loss of interest in the object and then seeking out another to try and find that happiness again. I want to say that objects are simply objects however I know this is oversimplification. There are some objects that capture and hold my interest more than others. I have favorite pieces of artwork, that have always been my favorites. When I go to the museum, I always go to look at my favorite paintings. I never tire of them. I have paintings in my house that I picked because I love them. I have never tired of them. Do you tire of your artwork? My DD struggles with this all the time. There are two types of art, aesthetic and conceptual. Where they intertwine is where the most interest comes into play for me.
At the same time, I believe that experiences and relationships are the key to my happiness. Something that functions well and that adds ease to my life can also create happiness. When thinking about this handbag, it will blend the beautiful aesthetic with something functional. It will hold my belongings, it will be carried by me, it will go where I go. It will become weathered, and of course it will never stay clean. I know that's impossible. It will get stained and dirty. It will develop more character and personality the more I use it. This is what I love about my older bags. They develop a patina.
Ummlila, I have looked at this same bag in a different color also. It happens to be a solid leather, not perforated, but it isn't calling to me like this bag.
Jenendad, , I looked in the Kendall Farr book, and this shape is not there, however, neither are the bags which I have kept and used for many years, so I am not overly worried about that.
I need to think whether there is something else I would rather do with that money. My attitude towards money has shifted greatly since my best friend and brother in law both died. They were both in their late forties. I witnessed first hand that even if you work hard and save, you may not be there to make use of that savings. I still save money, but I am definitely more willing to spend on something I want rather than reserving for only items I need.