Well, this was a first. Normally with NAS I sit back and see what others are getting, not planning on getting anything, and see what happens... I generally end up with a few pieces, often purchased in the last few days.
Not so much this year. I really wanted the EF sweater that Janet posted a few days ago, so was prepared to jump on that. It had disappeared in the blue completely for a day or two, then reappeared, so I knew it was in high demand. I also really fancied the Kut plaid skinnies everyone is jumping on.
So. I set my alarm for 3:50
Last night, the EF sweater had disappeared in my size, so I thought I'd size down and try that. Janet's comments suggested that one could probably size up as well, so when the size down was also gone at 3:50am, I figured I'd go for the size up. Nordies site on my ipad kept crashing, so I head downstairs to the computer. Order placed.
Then I go back and look, and my size had reappeared!. New order placed. Sent email to cancel initial order.
Then remember that the top picks were out, so scan those. Randomly click on the Dre jeans that I'd been stalking, but my size was never available. At 4:30am, one size was available: MINE. Order placed. Have to pay two batches of shipping, but it's only $10 and I'm okay with that.
AND... previous order from the Canadian stores arrived yesterday, total win on all three purchases.
Now to sit back and wait. Obviously what I was after is in high demand, so I wonder if I'll get all the items, but that was fun!