Hello everybody,
It has been a long time I have not posted here, I guess I was I bit out of my fashion interest sphere for a while due to a lot of stress in life. Slowly getting back, though
I have ordered a vegan leather black shirt, which fits me well and would also fit my style well and my wardrobe. I picture some outfits where I would wear the leather shirt mostly as a leather jacket, in a rather dressy way paired with velvet pants, wool pants (perhaps knitted) or other textures to complement the leather. Of course a silk scarf, or a cashmere scarf and a silk blouse underneath. In other words - my typical formula, almost my uniform.

There is a catch though. The leather shirt has a snaps button down closure and the snaps on the inner side are silver. I want to wear this shacket mostly open. I know there are many pictures out there showing similar shackets worn open with the snaps visible, but it bothers me a little. I have three options;
Ignore the snaps and wear it like nothing is happening… cover the snaps with scarves at least partly and forget the snaps are even there.
Try to color the snaps black - perhaps with a black nail polish. Might ruin the function of the snaps. On the other hand, I want to wear them open.
Return the leather shirt.
Full disclosure; it was very inexpensive - it was on deep discount and cost less than 27 Euros. But it looks lovely and is comfy.

Pic 1 is the actual vegan leather shirt.
Pic 2 is just to demonstrate, how the snaps look like on a similar shirt.

What are your thoughts? Are you also bothered by visible snaps when wearing a topper open? Or am I silly? or is it a thing not to show snaps…

And on another note - a bonus pick of my outfit I wore to a business meeting last week. I chose a rather robust black pantsuit, as I travelled by plane and underground before my meetings and back late evening on the lates flight back home. A newish Ferragamo scarf worn over a pink silk blouse. I wore a matching nail polish and lippie. Not particularly creative or new, but it did the job in the professional setting and provided me with comfort.

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