So yesterday I found a new online wardrobe organization app called Finery. I tried it just for curiosity's sake. I'm bringing it up here because it has one function that I think none of the other apps have: it imports your garments directly from your online purchase emails. So it has all the details like size and price. If you use, it's like that: goes to the sites where you do business and gets all the info in one place for you.

But most importantly, it knows how many days you have left to return each item and displays it prominently with the picture. I have a tendency to let the bags and boxes pile up until they blend into the background, and I've "bought" a lot of clothes I didn't want by forgetting to return them. So that picture of the unwanted item with a big number-of-days by it is helpful.

I'm happy with ClosetSpace for organizing and planning, but I think I'll use Finery as a mechanics-of-shopping aid.