I never had any doubt about that. Good to see your pretty face

This is an interesting post since I've never thought you weren't friendly. In every ylf interaction you're always generous and thoughtful. You're often funny (which as you can see by my activity badges does not come easy to all of us). So to think that you think you put off some kind of unapproachable vibe is such a disconnect. Regardless, the picture you posted is lovely.

Hi, Friendly Una!

Actually, I've always thought of you as just having a "cool" pose, but a warm presence. But it's always good to see a close up!

Love seeing your beautiful face up close!

Thats funny. Nothing bitchy on that face.

You look friendly and pretty to me and I never thought otherwise.

You look very pretty. I have never thought you were unfriendly in the first place, always considerd you very friendly and helpful.

Perhaps we should all post face pics!
They say the eyes are the windows of the soul, and I always thought your WIW face was more serious than unfriendly.
You look lovely

You all are so sweet! The funny thing is the friend I was shopping with just mentioned BRF today - I had never heard the term, but it is exactly what I meant! Glad you all are able to see through to the real me. :). Xoxo

I've met you, so I know you are friendly and fun!

The corners of my mouth naturally turn downwards, so I'm trying to practice having a slight smile as often as I can.

I have never thought of you as anything but lovely and friendly! But it is fab to see a close up of your pretty face (and amazing hair!)

Yep - great pic. On YLF i don't think you need to worry about people getting assertive thinking as grumpy person. (in case that is where you are coming from). Cheers A

Add me to the list of those who have always seen you as friendly, and I am so drawn to your icon picture; I've always loved that. But it's fun to see you straight on, too. I think it's gutsy to shoot like that - I always hate pictures of myself dead on.
And BRF, I will laugh all morning about that! I may be inflicted with some version of it.

You look like a superhero I always thought. Fiercely benevolent or friendly power-packed.

I've never thought you looked unfriendly..... beautiful

You're so pretty. Of course you're friendly -- your comments make it obvious that you are

Your posts scream friendliness, helpfulness, and kindness. You are one of my favorites to watch.

FWIW, you always give me the impression that you are friendly, Una. That's a pretty photo.

I've always thought you looked and were extremely friendly and welcoming, Una. Pretty photo, beautiful you!

I really like the phrase "resting bitch face," myself, and can't wait for the chance to use it.

But seriously, I think I'd forgotten to add to the friendliness that yes, you are super-pretty and dear god, YOUTHFUL.

Mochi, you are so sweet - and yes, BRF is my new favorite term. It's funny how much effort it can take to look welcoming. I remember traveling with a friend who was always being approached by guys. Upon analysis, we decided that she had a come-hither look, whereas I had more of a go-thither look.



And watch what comes up when you google images of RBF!

I never thought otherwise. I always found your WIW more mysterious than grumpy

Super friendly, just like you are in person. Bubbly and vivacious too! We really missed you at the meet-up by the way. Next year for sure, okay?

I suffer from the BRF, too:-(, but this is a fab pictie, and you always look friendly to me!

Lol. I didn't know you were grim, tho... hehe

Of course! I knew that already. And I adore your hair!