Well, I find style more inspiring than “fashion” anyway!

I know my own participation, and that of others, tends to ebb and flow, with other things deservedly taking more of our time and energy. Priorities are a good thing! I do always enjoy your posts though — your thought processes and analysis around your style are always great food for thought.

I’ll be glad to see you post — whether it’s here or elsewhere. Here’s to new creative endeavors and doing what brings us joy and peace.

Lisa, you are in a good place on a good path ... Cheering for you 100 percent and wishing you all the best in your creative endeavours! To echo others though, you would always be a welcome voice in my book, even if it's just to say hello everyone once to often. Appreciate what you have brought to this community! An honest and straightforward voice, and a keen eye!

And echoing Jaime, I would love to read these essays if anyone stumbled upon them or Lisa if you have a chance to share

Here is the section from Lyn Slater's essay that I found quite profound:

"The days after the shoot, I am lost in nostalgic daydreams, when dressing up and photo shoots were part of my everyday life. Nostalgia can be a double-edged sword. You can think of it as a “memory of happiness”, times you had a life purpose and a remembrance that you have achieved your goals. Remembering times from the past that brought you joy can motivate you to create or re-find these moments in the present. However, nostalgia can also make you dissatisfied with your present. It can fuel regret and sadness about things that ended or did not turn out the way you wished."

Discussing clothes and fashion brings feelings of sadness about what is no more and is often a painful reminder of a time when I was lost in trying to keep up, get ahead, feel good about myself and what I sacrificed to do so.

Her essay, and Jennifer Alfano's , are both on Substack and are the latest posts by both.

Thank you all for the kind words !

Respectful of your decision making but can't help but echo Carol's words verbatim.

It was disturbing to learn that people might realize they've been blocked, I've only ever blocked one person on a forum and it had absolutely nothing to do with their opinions, tone or style but rather my suspicion that they might have an eating disorder. If I choose to turn away of course I still feel compassion for people who self harm and I would be mortified if the person ever found out so no more of that!

Still hoping you might reconsider at some point, maybe at least you will share your activities in off topic?

I can relate to the feeling of not needing more stuff for whatever reason--work, going out, etc. I've never been very fashionable or into fashion but I love seeing it on others and reading fashion thoughts because it's so different than what I see most of the time. That's what I love about YLF is there's something for everyone. I will miss you here and hope that you check in every once in awhile. You might miss out on MY fashion epiphany - if I ever have one!

Thank you Lisa ... Wise words and wise of you to recognize the effect fashion was having on you. If it's not serving you, let it go ... It (and we!) will be there if you ever need to come back xoxo

Thanks so much for letting us know, and thank you for your kind words, Lisa. It's wonderful to read you are feeling/starting to feel more relaxed about all things fashion. You know, you have an innate sense of style, which is - as you said - different than trends, and brings along much less stress, I think.

Wishing you lots of fun with your new crochet projects (the examples you posted look amazing). Maybe we'll get to see some of them on Insta or another corner of the internet:-)

P.S. Angie is on holiday at the moment, so she will probably not see this until she gets back.

That *is* profound, and your insight into your own sadness and pain--and the role that fashion and striving to "keep up" played--is really powerful. I can see why you would want to reassess and strike off in a new direction! My deep sense is that every day alive is a gift, so how can each of us make the most of our time doing what fulfills us and brings happiness and meaning? If something doesn't feel right or conjures up sadness and regret, then it's time to make a change.

I think it's common for participation to ebb and flow as life intervenes (I know this is certainly the case with me), so maybe you can pop back in once in a while if the mood strikes you? I have always enjoyed your posts: Your directness and honesty and willingness to put it all out there is refreshing :).

I wish you joy this fall and winter as you cuddle up with your creative pursuits!

It has been fun and illuminating to read your posts here, Lisa, including this one. Best wishes to you!

I have always found your posts interesting and informative. And often thought provoking. Sounds like you are in a good place as far as your style and that’s great. I also think we can be here for style as well as fashion. Hope to see you pop back in some time!

Thank you everyone . It’s heartwarming to read these messages and know that my communication style resonated more than it annoyed ;). I also very much appreciate the voices of understanding and support - one really great thing about the people drawn to this forum . We do care about one another

That quote is very poignant Lisa - I have those feelings too - not so much about fashion but about some other aspects of my life that have changed as life moves on (for me sport for my sons who have now left home). Very thought provoking.

Lisa, I have always found your posts valuable and interesting, if not provocative. I hope you will drop by now and again, even if it’s in the Off Topic section.

Your experience in the fashion industry has always fascinated me as I come to this forum from quite the opposite end. (In my day you had two choices: Be smart or be pretty. If the former you weren’t supposed to give a flying f - - - about how you looked.) I’m sorry your background is now giving you such pain.

My unsolicited words of wisdom at age 70: Too late to look young(er). It’s enough to be above ground. Fashion? I’m too old to ever *get it*, but I mostly know what I like. And that’s okay. Just have fun. And if that means crocheting your heart out, please do it!

Thank you for your presence and thoughtful input.
Thank you for introducing me to Lyn Slater...

Lisa, for what it's worth, you are one of my favorite people to follow here on YLF! I hope you will pop in occasionally at least to say hi!

All the best Lisa (from another Lisa). I will miss your posts.

Lisa, I understand all your thoughts and feelings. I think we are similar with our direct and opinionated manner, stage of life and decreasing interest in clothes. As an introvert I don’t participate much on YLF but do enjoy reading and learning about fashion. I have found this a welcoming community and it has given me a feeling of connection with people all over the world. As so many others have said, I will miss your contribution and hope you come back sometime! In the meantime, best of luck, peace of mind, and continued health! You will be missed!

Will miss your posts and hope you return after a reset. Our interests do wax and wane, but I understand the draw to fiber arts…gets me this time of year too.

I get it. I've been coming and going for more than a decade. In fact, at one point I deleted my account all together! I tend to read and not comment much, too. I'm sorry to see you go. I enjoyed your posts and, if anything, generally thought you were too hard on yourself. Enjoy this next creative season! I think you'll find it's just what you needed.

Lisa, many of your words speak to me. I applaud your ability to communicate so eloquently. We all evolve as we move through life and it is so important to acknowledge within ourselves those things that have changed us, as well as changes we are making.
I, too have found myself far less interested in fashion, but highly interested in style that allows me to live an authentic life. I had no idea one could be blocked.

I’m wishing you joy and peace wherever your dreams lead you.

Well, here's to less noise and following your heart...or even knowing what's in your heart! Sometimes it's too noisy to even hear it.

I'll picture you happily crocheting. Our love of beauty can lead us to clothes, yes...but also to everything!...nature, food, crafty pursuits.

Best wishes to you.

Lisa- I wish you all the best as you exercise your clarity on priorities. I have appreciated your authenticity here and your ability to dive deeply into the ‘underpinnings’ of fashion and style. You have generated a lot of ideas and curiosity for me as an active forum member and challenged assumptions about some topics. You and your perspective will be missed. Enjoy the next phase.

Lisa, I enjoyed your posts and analysis over the years. I learned a lot from you, and you gave me a lot to think about and question. Change is inevitable. I subscribe to Lyn Slater's posts and I will miss her too, but look forward to what she will teach us as she writes her book.

lyn67, that list of names no longer here. Some I'd forgotten about, but it does bring a bit of sadness remember the good stuff they posted.

Mr. M. used to have a saying that he used a lot in business: "Change or Die." As much as we years for different eras and even our younger selves, there's also that saying, "you can't go back again." I think most of us are dealing with change, both in our public and private lives.

Good luck to you on your new projects!

Sorry to see you go, and I hope you’ll pop in from time to time. I know my own participation ebbs and flows, although I do read posts almost daily. Have fun with your new crochet projects!

I'd love a good crochet post in off-topic, if you feel like popping in! And, nodding along with others that I've learned a lot from your posts, and have thoroughly enjoyed your eye for detail. You've always been someone to catch why an outfit or particular item might not be working and your honesty is refreshing. Wishing you much happiness, and perhaps I'll spot you on Ravelry!

"I want to be free of the noise."

This resonates like the clearest bell on a still morning. Lisa, I applaud you for cutting right through to the heart of the matter. I will miss your cleverness, your honesty, and the way you keep it real, here on these forums.

Bon voyage, Lisa. Thanks all the pleasure your engagement here has brought me.

Lisa, I will truly miss your candid opinions and knowledge. I have always appreciated your keen eye. I hope you find joy and continue your obvious creative talents in whatever you pursue!

I'll miss your presence on the forum as I always love to read your posts and responses. I completely understand though as I'm rarely on here anymore. Mostly because I hardly ever shop or wear anything particularly interesting. I work mostly from home now and rarely go anywhere that requires anything fancier than a nice top. Even my office has gotten significantly more casual with most people wearing jeans and tennies. Good luck with your crochet projects!