Without reading the other replies, here are my responses:
Whenever buy anything online, when I get to that spot in the checkout that asks for a code, I pretty much always do a quick search for codes.
I get a lot of automatic emails notifying me of sales. I don’t think they prompt me to buy, but I might browse. I am getting a bunch right now because my birthday is coming up. One of them is from a place where I’ve had things in my cart, waiting for prices to come down, for a while, so I’ll probably go ahead and get those, but the rest aren’t for things I’ve been thinking of.
You didn’t mention them, but I think outlets are my preferred “sale” types. During the years we lived in Florida, I developed a Nordstrom’s Rack habit that I’d never had before. I stopped before we left, and am glad. I don’t need that many clothes. I was surprised that you mentioned recently that you can see that my earlier things were better quality—good eye, but it also confirms for me that all those purchases weren’t the best idea.