Thanks for the cheer leading, ladies. The orange pants make me laugh! Best part of all.
Style Fan, kkards, and mtnsofthemoon, you're always lovely and supportive.
Tanya, yes. Thigh fits on curvy cuts are usually too roomy on me, but these somehow work. Maybe because of the weight of the fabric? I didn't size down. Took my regular size. Go check them out.
Fashiontern, I noticed that they're sold out online, but they are available in stores.
Rachy, there are plenty of straight fits too. We can help you with that.
Lisa p, thank you. Living in the US, living in the city, and being able to shop a lot online has made this season all the more sweeter - (plus retailers have been doing a better job, and have generally noticed that in increased sales figures). I'm realizing that Canadian retail option are limited, and I know shipping costs are ridiculous for you. It’s unfortunate. That said, I don’t usually have this much luck. Some shopping seasons are simply better for your style than others. Personally, I'm having a very tricky year, but style and fashion wise, I'm having an excellent one.
Joy, I thought about that. Maybe. My Papa loves colours.
Dianna, YES. Try the BR Avery fit when you're curvy. The size can also be manipulated, and the thighs are roomy to my eye.
Bijou, you say the nicest things and are a honey-pie.
Liz, a Dutch gal must have Dutch orange pants. Thought you might appreciate my colour combinations. Excited to see your new boots, and good job fussing over the cuffs of those pants. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sterling, I am touched by your comment here and on yesterday’s blog post. I’m thrilled to have inspired you to think about the colour palette of your wardrobe. Feel you way through it.