Suntiger, can you tell which body types a dress will fit from looking at it on those models? I swear I’m feeling more strongly about this in two directions: I want to see lots of different shapes and colors in ads, to show the array of people who can wear x. But looking at sales sites, I feel like I am really starting to appreciate the point of having all the clothes shown on women who all have the same body. No, curvy pants won’t fit a woman who doesn’t have a butt, but if it’s one of those standard sized/shaped models, isn’t it easy to see the gapping there and know whether you’ve what it takes to fill it? Now that some sites have the diverse models I’ve been saying I wanted, I find myself squinting at them and trying to figure out if that model really has whatever body feature, or if the garment just makes it look that way. I guess it’s the difference between advertising and the actual sales decision. But seeing as stores’ sites can be both, that line isn’t clear at all