I have really enjoyed posts in the above areas and have been 're- reading many items in the archives as well as analyzing YLF WIWs that relate.

I also like random clothing purchase photos and styling, but what I'm talking about are discussions such as how to take some
existing wardrobe items or working formulas and turn them into new outfits that look, well,New!

Two.main themes are: here is this item I have and want to continue wearing ( insert item such as, these jeans, this pair of flats, etc)-- what outfit partners keep it in the past and what elements can give it some more life in style? And, here is a kind of item I like ( insert item such as pencil skirts, button downs)- for my next purchase in this genre, what to look for that shows fashion evolution. And third I guess is, if I were to get one new thing or change one thing this season, what is a list of options that would give the greatest impact?

I think these are so helpful because they just seem so approachable and so real- life in terms of how I could keep making small.changes overtime and have fun without feeling like I've missed the boat somehow. Plus it acknowledges that while updating is never "done", that's a good thing and again, a do- able thing , not that I need to toss my whole closet out every year or so. It does mean, for me, that I have to pay closer attention, since I don't think I'm a styling' natural and am not an early adopter and so I have to employ some deliberate changes, and follow several of the outfit formulas, along with some.lucky guesses or lucky eye for some updates.
Then too, YLF has given me more confidence in 2 different directions- both to try some very new looks and items, but also to say, wait, i still.like ( x,y, or z) and I want to.make those work for.me.

Do.you look for specific inspirations or styling ideas that let you keep using existing items without a total overhaul, or does that seem boring or too.safe?