Oh dear Shannon I can feel your pain! I had a broken ankle once (thanks to my high heels) and I know how hard it can be. I hope your leg feels better soon.

By the way you are rocking the outfit wiws even with that nothing can stop this fashionista baby!

I'm gonna watch for holes! I hope your foot is better soon <3

Rotten luck. Hope your foot feels better soon. Hang in there. xo

You all have such wonderful bits of advice and therapeutic wishes Thank you.

Diana & Mo - yes, it's those lasting effects that I worry about. But I know how valuable physiotherapy is as it totally rehabilitated my knee to the point where I could run again so will be going to the same PT as soon as I'm cleared to start.

Suz - yes to the fish oil! I never skip a day.

TS: huge hugs. and prayers and wishes coming your way for speedy healing.
Please take it easy in this weather. I know you really want to get back to exercising but please make sure you are along the correct path to recovery that is without straining the ankle. The cold and our joints/ligaments don't like each other so staying warm and keeping your legs and feet warm is going to be really important too. Thinking of you.

Oh, Shannon, I'm so sorry that happened to you! I hope your recovery goes as smoothly as possible. ((hugs))

Oh noes. I feel your pain. I hope that you mend quickly. I'm so focused on the ground these days that DH thinks I'm going to get hit by a car!

Ohmigosh! Ouch! Feel better soon!

...Ok, and also in the spirit of scary movies everywhere, remember also to look up...!!!

Oh, noes! Take care of your sweet self!!

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Oh dear....... Hope you have some good books and feel better soon xx

So sorry about your injury...hope your recovery goes well!

Oh Shannon! Just read this - so horrid. You are joining in good company here at YLF. Too bad it's not the right kind of boot!

So sorry, sweet Shannon. Good advice. We often do a quick dog walk in the evening. With it getting dark early and big acorns and walnuts on the walk, it is treacherous.

Oh no, it sounds like you might have to invest in some yoga pants and Ugg boots for your ankle!

Hope it heals quickly!

Oh Shannon, I have just checked in now hime from our little break! I am so sorry, but if I can encourage you, style is so much more than what we wear and you have it! Take care of yourself and I trust you heal quickly.

I must remember to look at 'Off Topic' more closely.
Sorry that this has happened Shannon.
Wishing you a speedy recovery- no B. & M. shopping for you for a while!

Dear Shannon - I do hope you heal quickly! xx

Shannon, I'm sorry. At least this gives you a new fashion challenge:)

Oh Shannon, how did I not see this until now? Here's hoping you heal quickly and with no lasting impact.

Which fish oil do you recommend?