Egads! I want more red after seeing your post <3 You look terrific!! I love your continued garconne inspirations. And that you chose a storybook to inspire you! (Former, longtime professional librarian here ha!)

I have one red item, and need and want to add more. So thinking about how I"ll do that in 2024.

Thanks, Ket. That little book is a Canadian classic -- so simple and so sweet and it's a story many kids can identify with. When I worked in a bookstore, it flew off the shelves in various editions -- baby-sized, board book, picture book.

Kim, some of these "cranberry" reds are a little closer to burgundy IRL, and some are a little brighter -- but they all work pretty well tonally, especially if you break them up with textured items and/or pattern, and they also work in an interesting way with true red, which I do also wear and love.

Aww, Mary Beth -- love that word swagger. The pants do make me feel a bit that way.

Helena, thanks!

Suntiger -- no -- I haven't posted it yet. I will try to, soon! It is an exact replica of a suit I had as a kid! I want a scarf with a Pucci print to go with it, back like when I was in grade school!

TheCat, thank you! Cranberry is a gorgeous tone, not always available. I prefer the brighter versions when I can find t hem. Only the coat really fits that description (of the items here). The others are a little closer to plummy burgundy. But all great, all the same!

Column, I love that you do call and response with your DD!

Merwoman, Roberta -- thank you!

Carol -- a ruffled blouse would be great under the vest, you are right. I don't have one. Ruffles are tricky for me. But I'm not against a ruffled jabot....

Bonnie, Jaime, Peri, -- thanks!

Nitsirk - thank you and I hope you show us your cranberry corduroys!

MsMaven, Bijou, Janet, Cat2, Star, Kellygirl -- thank you all!

Super great theme! And this outfit is the best! I didn't know you had RED CARGO PANTS. I love this style in this beautiful, rich red color. A delightful juxtaposition all in themselves.

Oh, did I missed this cranberry cargo fabness till now! This is so unique and so You!!! Brilliant!