Planning for a trip, this really depends on the outfits I plan to wear. I wouldn’t wear pants more than 3x. Sweaters and other toppers can be worn much more than that—but only around different people. A top that’s against my skin might work a second time, but I plan for half of them to only be worn once.
In my winter wardrobe, about a quarter of the items are pants, skirts, or dresses, so that’s a 1:3 ratio. That 75% includes sweaters and toppers of all sorts.
Anchie, your comment might’ve just cleared up why I’m always so interested in your outfits (besides that they work very well & are worn by a Mensch). I default to thinking the top should be the main thing (even when I really want to wear certain pants or skirt). Seeing it built the other way ‘round must catch my eye, even without being consciously aware of the difference.