Alasse, the point is that BOTH opposing silhouettes are on trend.

Tex, you're right about all those looks trending for 2015. I don't think of it as a lack of fashion, but rather a melting pot of variety to cover most style preferences. It's AMAZING.

Relief! I was going to ask if I had to look fresh! I am really enjoying slouch and not ready to give it up. Glad to see there is room for both!

Sounds suspiciously like neo-Victorian and steampunk could finally grab a small niche of this, which would AMAZING because I love those but really can't afford the specialty goth boutique prices.

Yeah for variety. Looking forward to seeing how the 70s vibe plays out with the 21st century mentality

Maybe there's room for my RL ruffled plaid skirt after all!

Yay! Struggled with slouch. Taylored works!

I slouch too much for slouchy looks to suit me. But tailored and structured? Hooray!!! The closest I'll get to ruffles and flounces is a peplum and pintucks, thank you. Angie, I'm looking forward to seeing your visuals and how to translate runway looks to our real lives and unmodelesque bodies.

Interesting. I'm also looking forward to some posts on how exactly these looks will work. Generally I don't like ruffles on me but maybe I'm not picturing them in a modern way.

Fits I will take on a case by case basis, but I am interested to see which ruffles come out to play. Thanks for the report Angie!

Excellent. As much as I love the look of the slouchy trend, it almost always looks dumpy on my curvy figure. I'm happy tailored looks and waist definition are coming back.

This is so funny, because I'm still trying to get more boxy, slouchy, and fluid fits into my wardrobe. Good thing the looser fits are still looking current.

I've been struggling with slouchy tops without much success. I've bought seven and kept one. Somehow, much as I theoretically appreciate them, I cannot bring myself to wear them in public. Untucked fluid fits, on the other hand, are great for me, especially in knitwear.

I've noticed many women recently who appear to be drowning in vastly oversized tops. These seen to look especially bad when the shoulders are unstructured and slide around. IMO, a very slouchy top and skinny pants do nothing to make a woman look thinner.

Tailored and structured - love!

I like the look of flounces and ruffles, and will look forward to trying these out.

I also used to wear gathered sleeves and puff shoulders, but since reading YLF, I suspect I should not have worn them (particularly the gathered crowns) as an IT with a fairly strong shoulder line! So I'll be looking forward to seeing your guidelines on this.

I'm happy to see variety in silhouettes.

I agree with Catnip re shoulders. I have quite broad shoulders but am not an IT and the current fits seem to easily slip off or reveal my bra.

I'm looking forward to a post showing images of these new trends Angie. Maybe I can just bypass the slouchy trend, since I've hardly got into it, at least for work wear!

Good news for my ears. I have not purchased anything slouchy because it does nothing for my hourglass/pear shape. I look like a sack. I have kept and continued to wear my tailored jackets so now I will look on trend. I may be able to replace some of the very loved pieces.

Ruffles and flounces I will pass on. I appreciate the look on others but I have never worn frilly things.

Hoooray for variety! I love me some slouch and waist definition.

I am looking forward to your guidance on all these trends. Fashion is moving so quickly I really hesitate to get rid of anything.

This is going to create such fun...I love tailored and add just a touch of ruffles well...that is perfect...Can't wait to try and style...Thanks for the post...

I'm glad I never totally gave up tailored fits! Although I'm definitely enjoying my fits on the easier side of tailored these days, rather than clingy or bodycon.

As for ruffles, etc., it's funny, I have one green patterned blouse that's been in and out of the donation bag because it has a tiered hem and sleeves, but I love the pattern and the neckline, and it's floaty and has nice movement. I just moved it back into my closet to play with again, so my only remaining "ruffly" item is getting a reprieve!

It's funny the way fashion has gotten to the point where it moves so fast it's almost as though anything goes, and if you're not riding the crest of a trend, surely you're doing something that is "pre-trendy"!

Oh oh - the black velvet jacket with ruffles I posted a question about recently will totally fit into this. Maybe with a mermaid skirt and my stacked Oxford lace up heels ...

Tailored and natural waist definition sound Pretty good to me. I love slouch but it is not very flattering for my body type.
Ruffles I guess it kind of depends what will be in stores.
in the end I am glad for the variety of silhouette s available on the market right now. I like to see people expressing themselves and not conforming to one kind of silhouette or style.

New leg of the style journey, eh? This sounds like fun! If the ruffles and details are thoroughly grown up, I'm in!

You know, I want to love denim jackets, really, I do, but I'm still mourning the loss of the one I purchased in 2000. It had a long life -- a full decade, but finally succumbed to holes and sagging. It was dark, traditional in style, but quite lightweight with lots of comfy stretch. If you ever see it's offspring in the stores, pls let me know!

I am excited as I never quite got the hang of slouchy tops. I love them on other people but always felt that the look overwhelmed my frame. I could never get it right .
I have 3 structured shirts that have ruffles on the front that I was about to get rid of , however I think that I will hang on to them a little while longer and see if I wear them again !

Love the options! While ruffles haven't ever been my thing, I like variety and find that with so many styles, it is a matter of proportion and interpretation. Great to have a tailored day or a more fluid day. Nothing makes me happier than your list of the many styles happening simultaneously. I find it liberating and much more fun to assemble outfits when many feel fresh.

I'm loving the tailored thigh with a flared leg! DH loves the cut on me, and I'm having fun with softer fabrications for them, too. Butterflies and rainbow colors and lace up details have caught my eyes.

I'm glad I kept & purchased some tailored items. I'm hoping I didn't buy too many oversized or slouchy items. That trend didn't stay long. It doesn't help that I'm a slow adopter of some trends either. I don't have anymore flares that fit, which is a shame. I do like them.

Big sigh of relief on the return of tailored. I've been mourning its loss to my wardrobe. I'm with those who like/need a neat, set in sleeve at the shoulder line. Not a fan of ruffles, but there is something nice about a tailored jacket worn with a ruffly shirt.

It will be nice to see something other than skinny/jeans or pants available in the stores.

Oh what fun! Thanks to the forum, I've fallen in love with little tailored jackets, and I'm always into natural waist definition. Ruffles & flounces are my friends too! And I've been exploring wider leg trousers too. Sounds like a season full of inspiration for me & I look forward to all of your interpretations & photo-filled posts.

Fitted button-downs make me want to weep! And is having a waist a prerequisite to waist definition? I'm a slouch gal through and through, skinnies aside. This has me contemplating whether I need to look "fresh" given that the trends are not catching my eye lately. Hopefull I'm not in trouble as long as what I wear is still somewhere in that melting pot.

Shiny my body never cooperates with fashion. When I had a bloating problem bodycon was in & when I became skinny oversized style came in. Go figure (no pun intended).