Hi all, thank you Bella for inspiring this little project! May not be of interest but makeup lovers/collectors might enjoy this accountability post
I am a makeup hoarder and Project Pan is a great little challenge for me. For those not familiar, the idea is to use up your collection rather than shopping for new items. I think the rules are a little loose so for me the goal is:
- use items until I "hit pan" - I'm not above scraping the bottom of the lipstick bullet by any means, but if I've gotten to the pan, I will consider the item used for the purpose of giving myself a tick mark for it
- not buying new items unless I truly don't have a viable alternative in my makeup drawer
- rather than tossing right away, I have made a little space where I can see the items I hit pan with, as well as items that I edit out of my collection either because they are expired and/or they didn't work. I want to have a visual of what is being wasted for a while, to train myself out of my wayward makeup habits!
For January, I hit pan on a couple of items:
- clinique black honey lipstick (I got a replacement for Christmas) - moving onto the replacement.
- Ilia At Last multi-stick - I LOVE this product and will repurchase once I get through my million other pinky-nude lip products! Moving onto Mac Mehr lippie with Nars orgasm lip gloss over. (Mehr is too matte to wear alone for me).
- Revlon eye shadow palette that is so old I can't see the name because it's worn off. Yes I know this is gross, but I have sensitive eyes and it's never given me an issue so I don't think it was too germy. Moving onto my Mac eyeshadow.
- Neutrogena hand cream - moving onto an Aveeno one I have.
I edited out a couple of items without hitting pan:
- two Liplab lippies - these have a lot of natural ingredients and they were definitely expired as they started to smell off - yuck! One was very similar to At Last so I will miss it - I just didn't get through it fast enough - so perhaps shouldn't have bought two (the other one was a rosy pink).
- one Fenty lip gloss. God forgive me for speaking ill of Rihanna's products but this lip gloss tasted like paint lol ... I tried to get used to it but couldn't.
Anyone else hit pan on their favourites lately? Or any duds you've tossed?