Amy, you look so pretty. And to me you appear warm, approachable, and fun.
Admittedly, I am not a Seattle guy.
I think any of these outfits could work but I like 1 and 2 the best. Agree with the idea to scrunch the sleeves of 1. I know you say a semi tuck will be a bad idea, but can you try one just to make sure? It's kind of a magical trick for a lot of figures and works on people you wouldn't expect it to work on. Then you can add a belt and that in itself is a kind of "jewellery" so you don't have to worry about much else.
I also agree with those who say it depends where you are going. If you're meeting in a coffee shop (first date?) then you'd wear one thing. If you're going to a concert, or a ball game, or a dinner -- well, those are other things!
Trying to imagine what I might wear....gah, I don't envy you!!!