Ophelia, thank you! I was ridiculously happy when I tried them on again, for the first time in ages. I hope to keep wearing them for a long long time. Thanks for the hair compliment too. I just keep it as healthy as possible, so ends don’t break off.

La Ped, interesting about the completer pieces. I’m trying to think where/how I’d add something to the brown outfit, seeing as I am not a scarf-wearer. If I find a brown belt bag, I might try that. Ordinarily I wear a red T-neck with that pants and sweater combo, but it is very similar to one of the colors in th pants. I don’t want anything darker brown by my face, but if I find a cream T-neck, I might try it. In the meantime, you’ve given me an outfit idea with the pants when it’s warmer out. The idea with the berry colors was to be able to make outfits out of analogous colors. I see white you mean though about the huge value difference between the ice pink and the other colors. That gap is such a big contrast, it wipes out the differences between the others. Thanks for commenting.

Hi ,

Stagiaire Fash

I really like number 11 with the white blouse, it looks great on you.

Looking great in all, FI. Nice Levi’s! I love 11! I just can’t comment on color other than to say that it all looks good and harmonious to me.