If anyone has a few (hundred) moments I have a massive pinboard (like 500 OMG) that I am working to decipher into a workable shopping/dressing plan.


I have done a great closet purge using my pins as inspiration but I think I could use some help.

What I see is:
1. lots of modern classic ... stripes, jeans, trenches, blazers
2. many neutrals with occasional pops of color
3. mainly refined footwear
4. I fairly am seasonally confused... not many here is dressed for summer in the SE United States.
5. graphic black and white patterns, a few colored patterns
6. asymmetrical avant garde pieces
7. occasional boho
8. very few florals

I think:
1. the jeans featured are almost all more distressed than my denim
2. my classic essentials collection is probably in good stead

my plan:
1. i need to start getting some of more graphic and avant garde peices... where to buy this for a reasonable price? (since the stack of fabric and patterns I have for these types of things hasnt magically crafted itself into anything i can wear...)
2. stop thrifting. I am not going to find avant garde stuff there only more classic essentials that i dont need.
3. review my pinboard frequently so i dont go off track with purchases

i am also curious if you see a chronological style shift from the strart to the finish. I am a late adopter of pinterest and think i started pinning with what i consider my current desired style but would like an objective opinions.

what advice or insights can you all share? and a million thanks if you can take the time to help me with the whole mess here!