Wow! Amazing outfits everyone!

I was quite tired today after a late (amazing) night at a Dave Matthews Band concert. I had no major plans other than coffee with a friend and fetching the kids from their last day of school for the year. My outfit choice was obvious in that I took the black with a splash of colour literally. I wasn't exciting but very easy and comfy.

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Tracina, I am over the moon for your outfit! That top is so fab, and leather shorts!!! Aack, I think I just discovered a wardrobe hole I never imagined. You look fantastic--the extra time was worth it.

Amiable, you look rocker chic in your all-dark outfit and those super boots. You've got a great collection of fun earrings, don't you? Just add a fun eye-catching pair, and you may find yourself warming right up to your outfit!

Diana, you are gorgeous as always! Perfect proportions on your outfit, which showcases that beautiful handknit scarf.

Bella, you are an inspiration, both by giving us this challenge, and by your looks--so polished!

Marin--welcome to the fun! Great job on your outfit, and I love those shoes!!

Joy, you came up with a fantastic outfit for the challenge, and it looks fab on you. I like the sweater dress as a tunic, and the scarf is just perfect.

MaryK, you can rock an all-black outfit just as nicely as you do the bright ones. Those shoes really make it, though!

Peacechick, you had the perfect tee for this one. How fun!

Carter, you are finishing the decade with a splash. That outfit is just gorgeous on you! Soon you'll be with some of us on the "dark side" of the 40s, huh? Welcome aboard!

Suz, your thoughts are as enlightening as ever. Love your interpretation of the white light entering the prism. Your outfit is lovely. Oh, and I had similar thoughts about wearing appropriate specs--I wore my pair with crystals on the sides, as a nod to the prism!

Manidipa--what a fun outfit! You had me laughing at the repurposing of your baby's legwarmers!

Shevia, it's great to see you, and your outfit is just. so. cool. Yes, as usual--I'm such a fan of your style. Love those boots!

Just had to let you all know how much I am loving seeing all the different interpretations! Everyone looks great and it is wonderful to see how everyone is true to their own style even when using the exact same inspiration.

I can't believe I forgot to mention Carter -- I was so taken with the idea of turning the black inside out and the way you went along with Angie's blog post. Congratulations on this milestone and you look wonderful!

Hil, you look arty and comfortable, as usual!

Tracina, that outfit just stuns me. The top is amazing on you. Not to mention the shorts. That is k-worthy.

Firecracker, I absolutely love the way you interpreted this -- dark and light sides of the moon indeed. Oh, and high five on the specs.

Nodding with Sharon --- amazing how everyone stays true to her own style.

I've been dying to get back to see everyone's outfits all day. These are all fantastic. This is the best grouping of fab accessories too! Love all the scarves, shoes, hosiery, necklaces, handbags, coats and baby leg warmers! We need an accessories challenge...I love to shake it up, but I tend to just reach for whatever's easiest in the morning. I had fun wearing my crazy scarf today, and of course, Angie is right...white is just perfect for Winter. It lifted my mood and apparently caused the sun to come out for a couple hours!

Sara L, Joy, Tracina, Firecracker, Suz...awww, thanks!

Oh, I wish I had time to go through everyone's post right now, but once again, it's a post-and-run. I'll be back later, though...

I must admit, Frankenboot has made this challenge a bit difficult, or better yet, challenging. At first I wasn't too happy with what I came up with for today, but after I put it on, the happiness was actually quite high. I'm not sure if that was because it looked good or because it was comfy, but hey, it's all goodie

I went with a black background (black pencil skirt and black long sleeved tee), added my favorite gray and silver Gap sweater (the pockets and inside placket have a little sparkle trim), and added a hand-made (not by me) white with multi-color glass necklace.

Be back later!

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Sorry for the post and go but although I don't have the time right now to go into detail of the fab outfits I just browsed trough but wanted to post my outfit for the day.

Not very original but it is a bit dark. You may even say that I have a full moon around my neck

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Easy peasy! One look at this album cover, and I knew this rainbow argyle would be the centerpiece of my outfit. Normally, I wear it over a striped button down which plays to the "preppy" princess within, but today I'm wearing it solo. And what a perfect sweater for today's weather- it really brightened up an otherwise gloomy day. I'm wearing dark rinse jeans and shiny red flats. I set out this morning wearing a black coat, but temps climbed into the sixties and it was no longer needed.

Back in a few to look at everyone else's pics, and though I don't have time to comment on each individual one, please know that I am enjoying every single post!

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It's quite a day for scarves! As much as I love the album (it has many memories for me...) I had difficulty finding something work appropriate I wanted to wear. I ended up with mostly black, some thin white stripes (tee), my only primary color blazer and with black outerwear I added a rainbow scarf. As I looked down at the toes of my booties they are capped witha pyramid (ok triangle technically) so it all worked out. My photo bomber had to join in.

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I wish I had time to comment on ALL of you, because you are all wonderfully creative!

Some standouts:
Amy's boots (good and stompy, they remind me of KISS in a really good way)
Carter's beautiful light side of the moon and hilarious DH story
Jewell's sweater - so lovely
and MaryK's pretty new hairdo and gorgeous gams!

You all rock!

How nice to see everyone's colorful accessories coming out to play for today's challenge! This is really a wonderful example of how a neutral base outfit (in this case black) can be changed up a multitude of ways simply by changing the accessories, as well as how much colorful accessories can punch up a dark outfit. Especially fun to see the rainbowed pieces (how perfect is that argyle sweater Jewell, and it's no surprise to me that Mary had the perfect shoes in waiting!). And an extra high-five to Carter who also went with white

I think I might have the least colorful outfit for today's album cover! Initially I was going to wear something along the lines of the black expanse with a white triangle, but today is just so wonderfully crisp (and cold) and sunny (and COLD) that I just couldn't bear to wear my originally planned black outfit. That's not very me, anyway. Instead I decided to use the prism and play on the idea of "light" which is much more me. So here I have light represented in two ways, one in the light shades of white/cream, and the other in the light reflection from my sparkly sequined top (which is really a cascading cardigan that's wrapped then pinned at the sides; yes, it is indeed cold enough today to wear layered sweaters!). I've got the triangle shape itself represented in my jewelry (necklace, studded studs) and also I suppose in my argyle nails (another happy coincidence). I kept both light themes going into the outerwear as well with my light colored wool coat, white gloves, taupe shimmery clutch, and an ivory scarf with silver threads.

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Everyone looks great and like they're really having fun with this! I was especially impressed by everyone who pulled out perfect rainbow-colored scarves and sweaters and shoes and, in Manidipa's case, baby leg warmers! Also by Carter and Aida's unexpected white-based interpretations.

Mine isn't super-creative, but here it is. I decided to highlight the blue-indigo-violet range of the spectrum (with a little green from my phone for the second day in a row). I started with a minimal black base of dress, tights, and booties and used the purple belt to mimic the thin line of color cutting across the black on the album cover. I added bluer shades with the cardigan and the earrings (the earrings are also sort of prism-like). Finally, since I always associate Pink Floyd with pigs, I had to add a bonus pic with some alternate footwear.

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I haven't had a chance to look at all the posts, but I did want to get mine posted before the evening disapeared. Since I DID use this as my inspiration for today!

I don't have anything rainbow, but here is all black, with a shot of colour.

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Carter, Happy Birthday, and welcome to my decade!
Elizabeth, that's a gorgeous scarf
Aubergine, those are the cutest slippers, and the purple belt takes your outfit to the next level.
Aida, I always look forward to your challenge posts - you add a new and fresh perspective and your outfits are always beautiful.
Jjsloane's rainbow scarf, Jewell's sweater, Joy's scarf, Diana's scarf, Amiable's socks, and MaryK's shoes are all perfect for this challenge!
Celia, great idea for a full moon around your neck!
Hil, you look comfy and fab.
Shevia, those boots are fantastic!
Manidipam, how nice that baby's leg warmers fit in with the challenge!
Suz, I like the white button down under your sweater - the sleeve cuffs look great showing at the ends of the sleeves. We are fuchsia spec twins today
Carter and Peacechick, each of you is wearing a gorgeous top.
Beautiful scarf, Bella!
Marin, I love those red cords. Yes, selfies for YLF can be challenging. I find that turning off the flash and adjusting the photo on the computer helps.
Tracina, that geo top is fantastic!
And Firecracker, a sweater with a dark side and a light side? How fantastic is that!

OK, I have no rainbow shoes a la MaryK, so I did a couple of pops of color - teal watch and red shoes - with an overall black and white scheme.

I haven't had a chance to look at all the photos, but the ones I've seen are pretty cute (esp. love the "light side of the moon" take.)

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Shevia - I love your style! Cool shoes!

Manidipa - Baby leg warmers?!! That's so original and cute!! You should save that pic in your baby memory book

Suz - Love the way you wear scarves! Great interpretation and true to your style!

Carter - Stunning outfit!! And your DH cracks me up Happy Birthday lovely lady!!! You don't look a day older than 30
Peacechick - Perfect tee!!! YLF!

MaryK - High five!! Although the thoughts were similar, you look way more put together than I do! Difference between a veteran and a trainee Digging your shoes!

Joy - Cute scarf!! And love the way you are wearing it!

Marin - I think your first selfie actually is very close to the album cover with the bright flash of light ...... That is what I noticed first! And those shoes are cute!

Bella - No wonder you got compliments! The scarf is lovely and your outfit is a perfect fit.

Diana - Your knitting skills blow me away!! Brilliant scarf!

Amiable - Ooooh I love your socks!!

Firecracker - Your handbag is just stunning!! Love that luscious purple! And the sweater is beautiful and unique!

Tracina - You have send me into an orbit! Sexy shorts and jacket! And lovely scarf!

Hil - The necklace ups the glam quotient of the all black outfit. Love the red shoes!

Karie - I love the cute necklace!

Celia - You look all warm and cozy! YLF!

Jewell - Your top is just perfect for this challenge!! Love it!

Jisloane - That scarf is adorable! And the photo bomber is even more so!

Aida - Your all white outfit is stunning!! Great interpretation!

Aubergine - Tee Hee! Love the piggy slippers!

Elizabeth P - The scarf is just gorgeous! Classy and perfect!

Jenava - Love your red shoes!! Stunning outfit!

Good grief, still running against the clock (also vs a baby turning into a toddler at the speed of light) but what stunning, delicious outfits today? Or is this my shadow sugareye for black (and white) speaking?

Tracina, ah-mazing!

Jewell, as perfect as Joy's scarf.

Aida and Carter and Celia and Jenava, you guys are looking like poetry.

Firecracker, what a fab sweater!

And Karie, you are stunning with your 'moon boot' and simple, arty rendition. Hil's is another.

Diana, high five on stretching yourself to experiment.

(And mine worked too: my arms were toasty and the tops of the leggings now fit right on Chubs).

I agree that this was the challenge where the power of accessory really came to fore! Rainbow shoes, scarves, prism necklaces, etc., who knee they would be so handy?

And yes, the all white outfits were amazing. Looking forward to tomorrow's looks, everyone? It's so maximal I am curious to see what the minimalists among you will do.

I'm howling at Aubergine's alternative footwear! I also like the outfit on you, Aubergine--lovely dress and cardi, with your accessories.

Jewell, fantastic look! What a great sweater to have on hand for this challenge.

Jewell, I love that sweater!

I haven't been able to participate, but I had to laugh when I saw the theme for today. I have an actual dark grey sweatshirt with this album cover art on it, back at the ranch in Texas! I also just arrived back home today to find that cceile's fab hologram Jeffrey Campbell shoes arrived, and the refracted colors in them are very prism-like. So imagine me in those, with the sweatshirt and dark grey denim skinnies.

What a treat and inspiration to see all your fab interpretations of black with rainbows, crescents and triangles! I think I have to wear something along those lines today myself!

I wore my black and white wrap dress with the moon shapes all over it. I
had the perfect bracelet--black triangles just like the prism. Also the
pointy shoes echo the triangle shape. I didn't have much in the way of
rainbow accessories, but I used my red Chanel purse and then wore one of
DD's rainbow hearts neckace. I turned it over to the silver side so it
would be a little more subdued for work, though.

I love everyone's outfits!

Happy birthday, Carter!
Jewell, that was the perfect sweater!
Janet, how funny that you were wearing the actual album cover!

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This is a fun thread, I am enjoying the twists on mixing white with black and dashes of color. It looks like scarves or shoes is the easiest way to do this. Nice job!

I wasn't able to come up with anything for yesterday's challenge, but I am loving seeing everyone's results. Happy birthday, Carter! And good job, everyone. I especially like all the 'moon' themed touches. Jewell, I love that sweater.

I didn't have time to take a pic of my outfit yesterday, but I thought that I'd recreate it today (just to take the pic) and attach it onto this thread because I took a little different route in interpretating the album cover. I went with the actual name (Pink) of the group to inspire me - so, I wore a light pink oxford shirt and then paired it with black skinnies, what I call my 'Tina Turner' OTK boots, a metallic GAP belt, and a crystal bracelet and a matted silver bracelet made up of triangle shaped studs. I actually wore this all day yesterday and felt really comfy!

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OMGosh, I should mention something!

My first kitty (the mother was a stray that adopted us then proceeded to reproduce) had a big dark patch over one eye. The dark side of the moon... I named her Floyd

Coming back to say I saw this on Pinterest today and I think this lady should have been in our challenge! Also this one!

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MaryK, the second jacket could have been design inspired by that album cover!

Wow, Mary - those are incredible and perfect for our challenge!

Marley - you look stunning in that outfit! And love your interpretation too. Your belt and shoes are too cool

ElizabethP - a cat named Floyd is so cute! True to its name!

MaryK - love those two cool outfits! Do you think the designer might have been inspired by Pink Floyd?!