I agree that if you do it, it has to be open to everyone.

I think those people should either participate or not. Don't just come out to comment ONCE so you can win a contest and then disappear again. As I already said, I know YLF can't control this and perhaps doesn't want to, but I think it's obnoxious.

That said, the information architect in me votes for a dedicated section of the forum or perhaps the store to house giveaways and contests. YLF has been partially commercial for a while now, so I don't see why this should bother anyone. I trust Angie and Greg would never let it get to the point where It would get out of hand or kill the spirit of YLF.

Anyway, I envision a separate section (basically a new tab that says "giveaways"), either on the forum or in the store, that should periodically stream in on the main blog, just like the store items do.

It's been interesting reading all the responses. I can't add anything that hasn't been mentioned.

I've never participated in giveaways at other blogs (for example perfume blogs) because I wasn't a frequent commenter (although a frequent reader), and it didn't feel right. Obviously many people feel differently. Oh well, that's how it goes. I know for sure there are people who do it for sport only.

I'm also very glad that Sihaya won the Miz Mooz contest.

I like Marianna's suggestion of asking the person who won the giveaway to at least write a review.

As for Angie reviewing more sponsored products - if she has time, why not? I trust her judgment and I'm always interested in her opinion on items.

Thank you all. You will see that we incorporated a lot of the input into the new YLF Competitions section of the site.

Please check it out and feel free to give feedback on this thread.

And of course, remember to enter the Sperry Top-Sider giveaway!

I'm really impressed with the system created for giveaways, they won't take over YLF, and provide an edge to dedicated readers. This is going to be fun!

Perfect solution. Case closed.

Well done, Greg. You and Angie clearly put a lot of thought into this.