You are all so nice! Thank you.
Eliza and RobinF, if you dress the suit down - it can go almost anywhere.
MsMaven, I see a fun suit update in your future. You will wear it. I guarantee it.
Cindy, awwwwwhh! Thanks for being so sweet, doggie, and gracious.
MidwesternChic, Dana and RunCarla, you are lovely.
Jaime, you are awfully kind, and YAY! You get my unplanned outfit moments. HIGH FIVE.
Aquamarine, roomy wool coats at a longer length are almost always a good option.
Lisa P, sounds fab, and PLAID too. Try it on.
Joy, good suit strategy.
Dreika, we can help you with the booties and hem challenge here. Post a separate thread.
Inge, thanks and hugs
Laura, it’s a handy topper!
Kyle, I’m blushing. Thanks for the high praise.
Laurie, get the gold too! Or maybe your other son can give you that one
Katerina, YES. You came to mind when I put together these outfits. So you!
Alice, sporty but not athletic sounds dead right. Good observation, and thank you.