
Here are two outfits with black and olive inspired by Angie's Outfit Formula: Summery Olive and Black post today.

1. and 2. Black and Green
I bought this outfit (shorts and top) at the beginning of the summer and haven't worn it once. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I'm just not reaching for it.

3. and 4. Green and Black
I clearly like the idea of green and black paired together, because here's the reverse look with pieces from my closet. I'm embarrassed to admit that the olive top is a purchase from last year, and I still haven't worn it.

Thanks for looking!

PS. All pieces except for the sandals are from WHBM. I tried to include the finds, but it wasn't capturing them so I created custom one's, but most pieces are still available on their website if anyone is interested.

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