Bonita! <fainting from all this fabulosity>

Nancy, I can't get past your impish grin. This is having fun with your clothes!

I'm with Joy, the look on your face is the best bit!
Love the swashbuckle, but the fact that it's all in neutrals makes is wearable, in addition to fun. The fits are perfect, and the quality is high.


You have found yourself! A matador - who'd of thunk it?

The jacket is killer. I love the belt and the boots. I love everything about this look. I can hear it now "Bring it!" LOL Great job!

Just found this if you want to do a dandy version.

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I just love this on you Mochi:) The most exciting part is that it's not cookie cutter fashion, it's obviously a very personal expression of you.

OH, Caro, I love that image! I think I have an idea for when my jabot-y shirt comes in!

Ok, tomorrow I will wear mine (I swapped today due to weather). I am going to dandify it with a scarf I think too perhaps!

Caro, that's just divine!!!

Perfection, now THIS is how to wear this fun jacket.

I don't know what happened to you but good thing it did because this is truly a fab outfit. It has so much personality.
I think it is one of my favorite ones on you.

LOVE this-definitely a sassy swashbuckling element, but urban and modern. Such a great outfit and your smile shows how you feel in it.

Love, love, love. When I discovered YLF this spread with Merideth and her jacket was one of my favorites and still is. Def a super fab KEEPER.

this looks great!