You remind me, Mainelady, of this woman I saw in Starbucks. She also was wearing yoga pants as work wear. The whole outfit was so fab I sketched it out on a napkin, lol! Long cardigan, long skinny feathery knitted scarf, round toe ankle boots.
...Yes, it does always depend. Weave, cut, construction, finishes. Sheen is a big factor for me, as Joy mentioned. And definitions make things tough too. So much sports wear is daily wear. My Angie bday dress, I plan to garden in actually even tho it can go pretty fancy.
Today I’m wearing plaid scuba capris, a workout quilted coat, nylon sneakers in lavender and cotton socks, lol. Oh and what’s probably a thin viscose tee judging by the micro shrinking. Sounds like I might be going to the gym, but I wore it for office day at work. It’s not as vigorous looking as it sounds.
I’ll have to think about leather coats and proper shirts. Most of my ‘leather‘ coats are fake because I’m afraid of PETA. My one real is suede. I’m not sure if I’d wear it with shiny bottoms. Proper shirts aren’t usually a good look for me, but I also wonder how they’d go with something like spandex-y boot cuts... the lack of belt loops may look funny.
I’m thinking I wouldn’t wear a wool polo sweater with spandex... but that is probably more a length thing than a materials thing...