Suz, you look absolutely fantastic in all of these! I'm taking notes ; ).

LOVE #6 (well, love them all, but #6 is my fave).

You go, girl.

My goodness you are elegant! And that first blue patterned blazer makes my heart go pitter patter!

What they said. I couldn't possibly say it better, nor add anything worthwhile. Can't wait until next week!

Wow, what a stunning week! You are the definition of pulled-together easy sophistication. I love everything but my faves are 1, 6, and 8. are so darn stylish in each and every outfit. You have the knack of making classics look like a million dollars.

Wow, I agree with everyone here--you look fab every day. I'm impressed and admiring all of these great outfits.

I am loving all of these outfits, it is way too hard to pick a favorite.

Suz - I was on the hunt for this item about 2 yr ago. I look better in the mock turtle style and I used to have a sleevless black mock body suit which fell to tatters. I foulnd it almost impossible to replace. Either they are poor quality, unavaible, really expensive or too boxy. Finally I gave up and bought the gap black ribbed tank (for me a high crew will do) and I wear it back to front and use that as my laying piece. Of course, I bought about 6 this time since I wear them all the time as a base, so I am way on board on sleeveless as a foundation. I have not search this item in awhile. Good luck!! I'll be following this thread with great interest. Hope you let us know if you find somthing that works!!

Thank you thank you Suz, these outfits are all so appealing and you must feel brimming with style and confidence when you wear them. Penny

So late to this but you look fantastic in all of these. My faves are 2 and 6.

Wow, Suz, these are all so chic and stylish! I am esp blown away by your working at home outfits, and that peacock blue is indeed very flatering on you! Great week! Can't wait to see more of MOvember's outfits!!!:-)
Also, Happy Birthday for your sweet fourtheen!

Polished and gorgeous as always! You have structured and feminine down to a science...a "Prince Valiant in Pearls"! Perfection!