Fantastic. I'm biased bc I wear a very similar style

Fantastic - I think they look perfect on you!

Yessss! Killer perfect! Now, I wish for a simillar pair:-)

WOW. I think they are very flattering. You did good!

Ohhh the perfect cat eye on you. Love. Want. Hmmm, I wonder if it's time for me for a new pair of glasses???!!

I saw the picture and just had to come in to comment even if I have to leave to the airport in less than an hour
SUPER! Yrs, they are oversized but they suit you perfectly. And black!
No wonder you are our Queen of Black - this hard to pull color doews look spectacular on you Deb!

A thousand times YES! I find the curve brings a lovely softness to your face. Definitely worth the search.

Wow! They look great! You look great in them! Good job!

za-za-perfect! You look chic, as always!! Great choice! Those are a perfect cat eye on you <3 <3 <3

Thanks for the shout out! These are gorgeous on you. I can't type much now as I'm on my phone, but I love them!

They look great Deborah!
My DD just got her newbies in a similar style, and they have made a huge difference to her look

Love these, love the color. You look so wide-eyed!

Look great, make you look very alert!

They are amazing on you! They enhance your beautiful face and features so well. I think they will work with your avant guarde style fabulously. Good choice.

A perfect combination of edge, class and sass!

Fantastic! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!