Thanks so much for all the positive vibes and good wishes. I know for sure I'm going to need them!
You're all so very generous with your feedback that I may be tempted to post once in a while for advice on product development, branding and even pricing. I'm pretty sure I can do this, but as I say, it's all very daunting at the moment.
skylurker, cute video! And with Kraftwerk, one of my favourite bands ever
Staysfit, thanks for that. This really is only a fraction of the story. I'm pondering a detailed post off-topic, because I feel as strongly as you do that these things are unnecessarily stigmatised. But it can be hard to share something so deeply personal, particularly when recovery is an ongoing process.
Deborah, shevia, I do plan to sell online. I'll be setting up on Etsy to begin with and I'll let you know when I have some things listed.
Thanks everyone else for your thoughtful responses. I'm quite overwhelmed. In a good way