I am not sure if this is off topic or not because it may be fashion related after all but it is urgent!
My DS who is 26 now has been in a long distance relationship with a girl who he met on his student exchange in Hong Kong over 2 years ago. He is in Toronto, she was in Los Angeles and now moved to New York this summer.
She is visiting him in Toronto now for Thankgivings and today they are coming to visit us. Thsi is the first time she will come to our house in those 2 years. They are not engaged or anything yet (as far as I know) but bringing her to visit us specifically with 2 hour bus ride back and forth when she is visiting him for just 4 days is a significant fact to me.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday and he said that she has a birthday next week and asked me to buy a cake (I bought two )
I would really like to give her a birthday gift as well but I have no idea what is appropriate in this case. I don't know her style preferences and size which makes it even harder. I know she is fun to be with (for my son) , likes to travel and works as a business consultant in New York - that's it.
What combined YLF wisdom says?
P.S Sorry I am still MIA on the forum and on the blog, the craziness of life is continuing nad my energy levels are very low now...although this visit surely perks me up
Thanks in advance!