I spent about an hour at the NAS yesterday. Here are some hits and misses.
I got a little Tory Burch cross-body in blush. It also comes in a nice pretty brown and in black. $150 for the Tory Burch. Was also looking at some casual jewelry, $60 each....but I figured I would rather have a nice designer bag than earrings and a necklace.

Shoes--I got the lavender Converse. I can't wear heels really anymore so that limited my options. This morning I am trying to order the Steve Madden Winnie Sneaker Bootie for $59 in Camo print.

The one-size underwear (Chantelle?) are 3 for $40 but I don't need. Lots of bralettes! They have the Spanx un-die-tectable strapless bra, I tried it but didn't get.

TONS AND TONS of long open cardigans.

I am looking for short sleeve casual tops, store didn't really have much, so looking online today.

For people in a colder climate, I think the real winners are all the coats and sweaters and boots but I live in Los Angeles so not getting these.